Appendix C
Rhetorical Modes Matrix
Rhetorical modes are methods for effectively communicating through language and writing. Complete the following chart to identify the purpose and structure of the various rhetorical modes used in academic writing. Provide at least 2 tips for writing each type of rhetorical device.
|Rhetorical Mode |Purpose – Explain when or why |Structure – Explain what organizational |Provide 2 tips for writing in |
| |each rhetorical mode is used. |method works best with each rhetorical mode. |each rhetorical mode. |
|Narration |The purpose of narration is to |Narrative methods represent a form of inquiry|1. Clarity. Complex words and |
| |tell a story or narrate an event|that has promise for integrating evaluation |syntax are a hindrance to |
| |or series of events. This |and organization development. Narrative |clarity and should be avoided.|
| |writing mode frequently uses the|methods rely on various forms of storytelling|Ideas should be clearly |
| |tools of descriptive writing. |that, with regard to linking inquiry and |distributed between sentences |
| |Narration is an especially |change goals have many important attributes: |and paragraphs. |
| |useful tool for sequencing or |1. Storytelling lends itself to participatory|2. Don't describe each and |
| |putting details and information |change processes because it relies on people |every one of your own |
| |into some kind of logical order,|to make sense of their own experiences and |movements. |
| |usually chronological. Working |environments. 2. Stories can be used to focus| |
| |with narration