Assessment task – TDA 3.4 Promote children and young people’s positive behaviour
Task links to learning outcome 1, assessment criteria 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.
Produce information about promoting positive behaviour for parents, children and young people within the school setting. This could take the form of a document for the school welcome pack or presented as part of a display within the environment. The information must show that you can: • summarise the policies and procedures of the setting relevant to promoting children and young people’s positive behaviour
The policies and procedures in my setting are;
Partnership Agreement (see evidence section ref xxx)
This is an agreement between the school, the parents and the pupil. It is presented in a A5 booklet format and given to the parents in the first week of school.
The agreement broadly outlines the, expectations and responsibilities for all three parties for;
Standards of academic achievement, communication between all parties, provision of curriculum and a safe and secure environment, pupil attendance, positive behaviour and attitude, recognition and praise and to follow and practice the school rules. A signature and date entry is to be completed by all parties to show their commitment.
Golden Rules (see evidence section ref xxx)
The golden rules are the school rules. There are 6 golden rules that all individuals are expected to abide by and practice. These rules were created and agreed by the school council at the end of 2014. (see evidence section ref xxx) They were then presented to the rest of the school in an assembly by the school councillors using a power point presentation and posters.
The Moor Hall Golden Rules are displayed in the school hall and in every classroom.
(see evidence section ref xxx)
Attendance Policy (see evidence section ref xxx)
The attendance policy explains the procedures and