In this report I would select McDonald’s Co. to review their marketing plan, and then determine their strategies and tactics that relate to the company’s stakeholders implementation roles.
McDonald's is known as one of the best-known brands worldwide, which has main aims to build its brand by listening to its customers. It also identifies the various stages in the marketing process. Branding develops a personality for an organisation, product or service. The brand image represents how consumers view the organisation.
Branding only works when an organisation behaves and presents itself in a consistent way. Marketing communication methods, such as advertising and promotion, are used to create the colours, designs and images, which give the brand its recognisable face. At McDonald's this is represented by its familiar logo - the Golden Arches.
Marketing involves identifying customer needs and requirements, and meeting these needs in a better way than competitors. In this way a company creates loyal customers. The starting point is to find out who potential customers are - not everyone will want what McDonald's has to offer. The people McDonald's identifies as likely customers are known as key audiences.
The stakeholders of McDonald may include as lists below.
Crews and managers
According to the marketing strategies of McDonald’s is to build a brand awareness by providing consistent levels of service and quality products, the employees may need to develop their work potential by attend to the training and development programs, including from food preparation to logistic and also the leadership skills.
Human resources staff
Human resources staff recruits or arranges the training program for staff and also offer good career progression to meet the standard requirement of marketing plan implementation. The human resources staff has plans for a certification program which will govern how employees progress from the crew to the