Assessment One: The Kingdom of Armorika
GDP Per capita
Gross Domestic Product per capita enables comparison of countries on an individual level. Using the total production output of the country and dividing it among its population. This allows a measurement of how wealthy a country is compared to how many people there live. The Kingdom’s GDP per capita is US$48,010. Armorika GDP ranks between Germany with a GDP per capita of US$46,268 and Canada with a GDP per capita of US$51,958 .But Amorika is significantly smaller in size, population and GDP than both of these countries. Meaning that Armorika’s wealth is spread among its population, creating a small but influential country. Norway has a GDP per capita of US$100,818 , this country has a similar population to Armorika. From country to country GDP per capita is different, it does not depend on the population size or the size of the country, but rather to the integration into the world economy.
Gini Coefficient
The Gini Coefficient is a measure of statistical dispersion intended to represent the income distribution of a nation's residents and is the most commonly used measure of inequality. It is represented by a number between 0 and 1 (or 100%). Amorika has a Gini Coefficient from 28%. According to the World Bank listing of Gini Index, Armorika would fall between Romania (27.3%) and Brazil (52.7%). The higher the Gini Index, the more unequal the distrubtion of income in the country. This means that in Brazil the distribution of income is not very fair. There is a big difference between rich and poor. that has also been shown again at the World Champinsships last year. In contrast the distribution in Romania is quite good, it seems many people earn similarly well, hence the Gini Coefficient is in this country at 27.3%. What does not declare that the Romanian population is wealthy.
Main Exports of Country
To improve the export rate, a nother business idea could be to establish Armorikas