Six features of natural environment that must be considered in a planning stage
A- Air:
In the UK air pollution started in the beginning of the industrial revolution because earth recourses were used without control.
Breathing diseases are increased since then due the smog generated from the factories and that leads to the first legislation act in 1956 to control the emission waste to the environment.
The emission from the factories increase the air pollution and this is the reason why they are pushed away from residential areas with a large chimneys design as well planning trees as they provide a good air quality.
The air quality is poorer in urban areas than sparely populated areas.
B- Ozone layer:
Ozone layer is important because it protect earth from the UV radiations coming from upper atmosphere, some gazes are harmful for the ozone layer and caused the creation of a hole in that layer, these gazes are prohibited in the protocol of Montreal.
The soil quality is measured by different criteria most common criteria’s are drainage properties, texture acidity, ph, fertility mineral cotenant, organic cotenant and, level of contamination and structural the building industry a soil quality is somehow the ways to integrate landscaping into the commune spaces.
Soil quality maybe deteriorated by flash floods which are not absorbed by soil in the deforested areas and this is a reason for the global warming .as a solution for that levees are built in the areas where the floods are common.
D- Heritage;
Archeological sites, castles, ancient monuments, need to be protected in a planning stage because they represents a part of the country's culture and must be preserved for to enjoy visit and our generation and future generations.
E -Bio diversity:
" Refers to the variety of life, it is seen in the number of spices in an eco system or in the entire earth, biodiversity gets used as a measure of the health of biological system and to see if