Database Concepts
Research Paper
I am writing a brief essay on the history of SQL and database developers that have to offer “Express” versions of their database. SQL that is also known as Structured Query Language, is the standard language used to communicate with a relational database. The model was originally developed by IBM using Dr. E.F. Codd’s paper as a model of data for large shared data bank. In 1979, not long after IBM’s prototype, the first SQL product, Oracle, was released by Relational Software, Incorporated.
The SQL has 3 major revisions and 11 minor of the standard SQL. SQL-92 was the third revision of the SQL database query language. Many of the new features had already be implemented by vendors before the new standard was approved. The most recent new features were added to the intermediate and full tiers of description, which mean more demanding that conformance with SQL-89. Later revisions came along with the standard includes SQL:1999 (SQL3), SQL:2003, SQL:2008, and SQL:2011. Database developers have a trend for major commercial that has to offer their express versions of their database. The three major trends are SQL Express, Oracle Express, and DB2 Express. With these DBMS (Database Management System) Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle, and DB2 are the most popular of the major DBMS’s. They each have separate design tools and server applications that must be installed. The three DBMS are all very similar in tools and functionality. Their biggest difference lie in the syntax of their SQL, which means they are not really listed in any particular order. The Microsoft SQL Server option does have one drawbacks in that operating system will run on their limited. Oracle Express has more operating system options than Microsoft SQL Server Express. The download options are much abundant than the others. In DB2 Express, it is very similar to the installed options and supported OSes of Oracle Express. Online tutorials,