Self-Managed learning In the Context of Lifelong Learning
Assignment Number 1
By Paula Andia (March, 2013)
Student Nº 2013211
Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. The Self-Managed Learning Evaluation
2.1. Self-Directed Learning
2.2. Self-Regulated Learning
2.3. Self-Planned Learning
2.4. Learning Project
3. Ways to promoted of S-ML in Personal & Professional Lifelong Term
4. Benefits of S-ML Inside Organization
5. Conclusion
1. Introduction
In this assignment we can find the many different terms used to explain the Self-Managed
Learning process, with the advantages and disadvantages of it. How this process can influence in a lifelong term, the personal and professional of an individual and how Selfmanaged learning can benefit inside of an organization.
2. The Self-managed Learning Context
Many researches over the years have been showing the self- managed learning is getting very popular inside organization, based on the benefits that an individual acquires at the end of each achievement. Individuals that can manage their learning and activities are more responsible, independent and able to make tough decisions. Self-planning learning; selfeducating; self-directed learning and other similar terms together form the Self-managed context, in other words, the ability to organize and carry out an activity settled as a goal.
2.1 Self-Directed Learning
In the early age, individuals are full dependents on the structure and the context given by their tutor, responsibility here is very low. A child needs to have some task to be accomplished, the tutor has to explain why and how tasks should be done. At the teenage stage the individual starts to be interested in their own learning, the tutor give them more space to be responsible. A simple example, when starting college they have the possibility to choose some subjects they would like to study deeper than the others. Once reached mature life the role tended to change. The
References: Akerman. (July, 2009) Self-Regulated Learning- Literature Review. Centre for Research on the Wider Benefits of Learning Institute of Education, University of Beitler , M.(2005) Self-Directed Learning & Learning Agreements, Chapter4 Skiff, Dana (June 24, 2009) What is Self-Directed Learning Skiff, Dana (June 29, 2009) Benefits of Self-Directed Learning: Organisation. Available at : Skiff, Dana (June 29, 2009) Benefits of Self-Directed Learning for Employees