Adventurous. One who will take on new and daring enterprises with a determination to master them.
Adaptable. Easily fits and is comfortable in any situation.
Animated. Full of life, lively use of hand, arm, and face gestures.
Analytical. Likes to examine the parts for their logical and proper relationships.
Persistent. Sees one project through to its completion before starting another.
Playful. Full of fun and good humor.
Persuasive. Convinces through logic and fact rather than charm or power.
Peaceful. Seems undisturbed and tranquil and retreats from any form of strife.
Submissive. Easily accepts any other’s point of view or desire with little need to assert his own opinion.
Self-sacrificing. Willingly gives up his own personal being for the sake of, or to meet the needs of others.
Sociable. One who sees being with others as an opportunity to be cute and entertaining rather than as a challenge or business opportunity.
Strong-willed. One who is determined to have his own way.
Considerate. Having regard for the needs and feelings of others.
Controlled. Has emotional feelings but rarely displays them.
Competitive. Turns every situation, happening, or game into a contest and always plays to win!
Convincing. Can win you over to anything through the sheer charm of his personality.
Refreshing. Renews and stimulates or makes others feel good.
Respectful. Treats others with deference, honor, and esteem.
Reserved. Self-restraint in expression of emotion or enthusiasm.
Resourceful. Able to act quickly and effectively in virtually all situations.
Satisfied. A person who easily accepts any circumstance or situation.
Sensitive. Intensively cares about others, and what happens.
Self-reliant. An independent person who can fully rely on his own capabilities, judgment, and resources.
Spirited. Full of life and excitement.
Planner. Prefers to work out a detailed