Case Studies
In depth study of an individual
Correlational Studies
Assess degree of relationship between two variables
Positive correlation; Negative correlation
Correlation does not equal causation
Experimental Studies
Allow for inferences about causality
Independent variable; Dependent variable
Types of Personality Measures:Self-Report Tests
Usually pencil and paper tests
Most common type of test
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI)
NEO Personality Inventory (NEO-PI)
Objective Assessment: -Measurement that is not dependent on a judgment by the individual making the assessment
Does not allow for details or rich impressions from individuals
More reliable, less biased
Subjective Assessment:
Measurement that relies on interpretation
Different observers may make different judgments
Complex phenomena may be examined and valuable insight gained
Types of Personality Measures:Projective Tests:
Provides an unstructured stimulus, task, or situation to which the person responds
The goal is to gain access to unconscious motives and concerns of the individual
Rorschach Inkblot
Thematic Apperception Test (TAT)
Draw a person
Example: Inkblot
Example: TAT=Make up a story about this picture, including what will happen next
TAT: attempts to see how a person places order on a vague stimulus
Types of Personality Measures:Expressive Behavior:
The analysis of how people stand, move, speak, etc.
Includes the examination of:
Speech rate gaze patterns posture gestures
Types of Personality Measures: Interviews:
Unstructured interviews
Typically yield rich information, but validity is questionable
Structured interviews
More valid, but usually do not reveal individual nuances
(e.g., SCID – Structured Clinical Interview)
Types of Personality Measures:Judgments by Others:
Someone else answers questions about the