Understand the expected pattern of development for children and young people from birth to 19 years 1.1 Explain the sequence of rate of each aspect of development from birth – 19 years.
0.3 months They take interest and turn their head towards bright coloured lights They recognize bottle or breast Respond when they hear there mothers voice Wriggle and kick with there arms and legs.
Social and Emotional Development Begins to develop a social smile Enjoys playing with other people and might get upset when the person stops intereacting with them Expressive and tries to communicate using there face and body
Physical Development
Supports upper body with arms when laying on the stomach Opens and shuts there hands Grasps and shakes hand toys Tries to hit dangerling objects with hands
6 months
Able to follow moving objects with there eyes Reach for objects and pick them up Recognize familiar faces they see Will try helping to hold there bottle when feeding
Social and Emotional Development
Enjoys interacting with people during play Takes an interest in mirror images Responds to peoples expressions e.g if the adult is pulling funny faces the infant will smile and appear happy.
Physical Development
Rolls over onto there back and front Tries to support there body weight on there legs using objects/furniture for balance Can transfer an object from one hand to another
Cognitive Development
Finds partially hidden objects Explores with hands and mouth
Language Development
Responds to own name Can tell your emotion by the tone in your voice e.g if your happy or sad with them Babbles and makes sounds
1 year old
Turn towards a noise they can hear Imitate speech sounds and experiment different noises they can make with there mouth