Unit no. TDA 2.1
0-3 Months | Sleeps 20 hoursCrying is main form of communicationMoves around moreTurn their head towards bright colours and lightsRecognize bottle or breastCan be comforted by a familiar personMake cooing noisesCan focus both eyes togetherWiggle and kick both arms and legsLift head when on their belliesStart to smileCan respond positively to touch | 3-6 Months | Starts to babbleCuts down on feeding, i.e. 3-5 feeds a dayMay help to hold the bottle during feedingFollow objects with their eyesRecognize familiar facesPays attention when their name is calledReaches, grasps and explores objects in their mouthsLaughsPlay with their feet and toesImitate speech soundsStart to roll over | 6-12 Months | CrawlCan sit without supportStand briefly without supportThrow objectsHave a good emotional attachment to parentsCopy adults, i.e. using phone, drinking from a cup etcPlay simple games, i.e. patty cake, peek-a-booWave goodbyeSay mum or dad soundsTry to put items into container, i.e. shape sorter | 12-18 Months | Can walk unaidedCan feed themselvesObeys commands and simple instructionsRepeats wordsEnjoys pushing and pulling objectsCan say at least 6-10 wordsPull of socks, shoes and glovesIdentify names of items you point to in a book, i.e. ball, tractor, car etcSimple drawing paper with crayon, pencil etcAttempt to walk backwardsPoint and try to ask to things | 18-24 Months | Starts to runAre toilet trained, or practising to be toilet trainedHave a good vocabulary up to 200 wordsCan use 2-3 word sentences Recognise familiar picturesKick a ballDemands a lot of attentionCan start to have temper tantrumsTurn 2-3 pages in a bookCan point to body parts when askedShow affectionCan sit and play by themselves, and initiate their own play | 2-3 Years | Can jumpCan throw a ball overhandImitate parents actionsCan give ordersAttempt to put on their shoesOpen a doorStart to develop a sense of humourTurn a page in a book