Age | Physical (fine and gross motor) | communication | Intellectual | Social, emotionalAnd behaviour | moral | 0-1 | * If anything is put into the baby’s hand the baby will automatically grasp it tightly(baby, fine motor) * Can use whole hand to hold a object(6months,fine motor) * Likes to use hands to splash in water (6months,fine motor) * Holds objects between the finger and thumb(9months,fine motor) * Turns lots of pages in a book at same time(12months,fine motor) * Uses hands to throw things(12months, fine motor) * Turns head to light or sound(baby, gross motor) * Begin to take their fists to their mouths(baby, gross motor) * Begin to …show more content…
have some head control(3months, gross motor) * Kicks(3months, gross motor) * Can roll from back to stomach(6months, gross motor) * Pulls up into a sitting position(9months, gross motor) * Stands up and sits up without help from an adult(12months, gross motor) | * Stops crying to sound of rattle.
(3months) * Makes noises when happy. (3months) * Turns head to sound. (3months) * Starts to make tuneful double or single syllable sounds, eg 'da da '.(6months) * Turns to where familiar voice comes from. Listens to voice. (6months) * Babbles away to self, in melodically repetitive syllables, eg 'Mama mama'. (9months) * Copies simple sounds. (9months) * Knows the meaning of 'bye' and 'NO!' (9months) * Knows own name well. (12months) | * Visually alert, and follows adults with eyes, moves head.(3months) * Shows eagerness when offered …show more content…
milk(3months * Hand play. Loves to look at hands. Presses palms together, and clasps hands. (3months) * More alert now and eagerly watches people in the room.(6months) * Passes toy from hand to hand. Watches toy fall.(6months) * Recognises names.(9months) * Starts to master pincer grasp (holds small objects between thumb and forefinger). (9months) * Loves to bang two toys/bricks together to make a sound.(12months) | * Quietens to sound of familiar voice.(3months) * Shows pleasure when handled, and talked to.(3months) * Reacts happily to familiar situations.(3months) * Enjoys bath and other routine activites. (3months) * Smiles.(3months) * Shows distress at loud noises.(3months) * Becomes unfriendly to strangers at about 7 months. * Holds hands up to be lifted.(6months) * Touches breast or bottle when being fed.(6months) * Starts to be wilful and have tantrums.(9months) * Copies facial expressions.(9months) * Has favourite toys.(9months) * Recognises family members.(12months) * Doesn't like to be parted from parent/carer.(12months) * Can drink from cup with lid.(12months) * Shows affection.(12months) | * No moral development for the first few months. * Show joy by smiling, cooing and laughing when fed comfortable or safe. * Crying when distressed or unhappy. | 1-3 | * Point to things they want(fine motor) * Can roll and throw a ball(gross motor) * Pull shoes off(fine and gross motor) * Use a spoon to feed themselves(fine motor) * Can walk and run confidently(gross motor) * Can put on and take off coat(fine and gross motor) | * Understands many words. Understands simple instructions. (15months) * Will scream to get something. (15months) * Sounds likespeech but not yet understandable. (18months) * Loves to try and sing nursery rhymes. (18months) * Follows simple requests like 'Go and see who's outside'. (2years) * Talks about themselves by their name.(2years) * Loves to sing nursery rhymes.(2years) * Knows difference between you, me and I.(2 ½ years) * Always asks “What are you doing?” or “Who's that?” etc. (2 1/2years) * Now will recitename, age and sex.(3years) | * Plays with bricks and can build tower of two.(15months) * Will hold the pencil in favoured hand.(2years) * Can now identify themselves in a photo.(2 ½ years) * Able to thread big beads and built 9-block high towers and small bridges with bricks.(3years) | * Greets familiar adults with great pleasure form some distance.(12months) * Gazes at everything with great interest for ages when outdoors.(12months) * Loves to throw toys away in fun.(15months) * Curious with newpeople.(15months) * Likes dolls, but does not treat them as a baby, instead just carries them round roughly.(15months) * Is always getting up to mischief, needs continuous attention.(15months) * Sometimes clingy,sometimes independent and determined. (18months) * Can help to undressself but not dress.(18months) * More ready for toilettraining.(2years) * Likes dress-up games.(2years) * Still needs to be near parent or carer.(2 ½ years) * Affectionate to baby brother/sister.(3years) | * Sensitive to adult approval and disapproval, despite tantrums and bursts of anger. * Nounderstanding of right from wrong, but understanding yes or no. | 3-5 | * Bounce and catch a large ball(gross motor) * Run well(gross motor) * Carry out small movements e.g. threading, cutting, and doing simple drawings(fine motor) * Dress themselves(gross and fine motor skills) * Can do smaller puzzle pieces(fine motor) * Has a good sense of balance(gross motor) | * Sentences are completely understandable but still sound childlike. (3years) * Will talk to self whilst playing, mainly throughout pretend play.(3years) * Loves to have a joke. (4years) * Likes long stories now, also tells stories. Occasionally mistakes reality with imaginings. (4years) * Still loves to listen to stories, and will use them in play later.(5years) | * Likes to paint but unable to produce recognisable pictures. Decides what it is after painting.(3 years) * Can use children's scissors.(3years) * Will draw a head for a person. Sometimes has other features.(3years) * Now draws people with heads, bodies, legs, and mostly with arms and fingers too.(4years) * Knows primary colours.(4years) | * More able to last the whole night without wetting.(3years) * Plays well with others, during pretend play.(3years) * Uses a spoon and a fork to eat.(3years) * Behaviour is on the whole better. May be demonstrative, warm and trusting.(3years) * Can now wash hands, but unable to dry hands properly.(3years) * Understands about past, present and future.(4years) * doesn't like tidying up.(4years) | * The child has More self-control and is less aggressive. * Is interested In being good, but may tell lies or blame others. | 5-7 | * Can write with more control over their pen/pencil(fine motor) * Can throw and catch a ball more confidently maybe with one hand(gross motor) * Skip,gallop,dance(gross motor) | * Takes pleasure in humorous stories and witticisms. (5years) * Still asks the meaning of intangible words.(5years) * Will now recite own name, address, age and sometimes knows birthday. (5years) | * Can count fingers.(5 years) * Skilled at colouring in. * Great at jigsaws.(5years) * Can relate to the time of day corresponding to everyday activities.(5years | * Lots of complex play, using more and more imagination.(5years) * Reassures friends when they are upset.(5years) * Very skilled at construction toys.(5years) * Sense of humour greatly increasing.(5years) * Can now get dressed and undressed by self.(5years) | * Is very Concerned with personal behaviour, particularly as it affects family and friends; sometimes blames others for own wrongdoing. | 7-12 | * Can maybe ride a two wheeled bike(gross motor) * Maybe good at using roller blades(gross motor) * Can thread threw a small sewing needle(fine motor) * Learn to play a instrument(fine motor) * interest may develop in TV, computer games, pc’s etc and result in less physical play | * Enjoys jokes * Sense of logic develops * Enjoys chatting to friends * Does simple calculations, understands measurements and weighing | * Rapid development of mental skills.
* Greater ability to talk about thoughts and feelings. * Think more logically. * Developing mathematical and literacy skills. | * More independence from family. * Stronger sense of right and wrong. * More attention to friendship and teamwork. * Learns by watching and talking to others. * Gives support in times of stress. * Joins clubs, be led by peers, wants to be accepted by them. | Has difficulty admitting mistakes but is becoming more capable of accepting their mistakes.
| 12-16 | * May refine or learn new manipulative skill such as drawing, woodwork, playing an instrument * The body changes physically due to puberty, becomes more like adult | * Children this age are more independent they like to work things out for themselves rather than ask for an adult’s advice. * Complains that parents get in the way of his/her independence. | * Begin to challenge parents. * Begin to question school rules and question family. | * Begin to form identity of their own, exploring clothes, music, hobbies. * Troubled youth may act out to express emotional pain.(drug use/skipping school/fighting) * Experiences highs and lows caused by hormonal changes. * Can be very argumentative. * Wants privacy. | * Is concerned about fair treatment of others; is unlikely to lie. * Knows Right and wrong; tries to weigh alternatives and arrive at decisions alone. | 16-19 | * Clear sexual identity * Has essentially completed physical maturation; physical features are shaped and defined. * Probability of acting on sexual desires increases. | * Express feelings in words * Sense of humour is more developed * Pride in their work * More independent * Thinks ideas through * Interests are stable. | * Seriously concerned about the future; beginning to integrate knowledge leading to decisions about future. * May lack information or self-assurance about personal skills and abilities. | * Has conflicting feelings about dependence/independence * May appear moody, angry, lonely, impulsive, self-cantered, confused, and stubborn. * May be strongly invested in a single, romantic relationship. * Usually have many friends and few confidants; dates actively; varies greatly in level of maturity; may be uncomfortable, or enjoy activities, with opposite sex; may talk of marriage. | * May be interested in sex as response to physical-emotional urges and as a way to participate in the adult world (but not necessarily an expression of mature intimacy). * Is confused and disappointed about discrepancies between stated values and actual behaviours of family and friends; experiences feelings of frustration, anger, sorrow, and isolation. |