|Physical development |Communication and language development |Social, emotional and behavioural development |
|. Birth-1 year - children master in both gross and fine motor skills. |. Birth- 1 year - Cognition begins, awareness and recognition. Able to |. Birth-1 year - Develops an attachment to the primary carer, often |
|Babies are able to reflex their heads in order to suckle the mother’s |be stimulated with toys. Cry in …show more content…
2-3 years - Increased muscle and strength, uses motor skills such |communicate. |watching and copying others. Toilet training represents a significant|
|as attempting to ride a bike, climb stairs, hold utensils for eating, | |part of social rules and expectations. Experiences pride and pleasure|
|or holds a crayon. By this stage most children would have mastered | |at being good but distress when being told off when he/she has been |
|toilet training. | |bad, this is due to embarrassment. |
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Gross motor abilities have emerged. |. More intensive vocabulary is used |. Expands social relationships outside the family members. |
|. Stands on one foot unaided. |. Uses languages as a way of communication |. Role plays and interacts well with peers; often want to be more |
|. Skips, runs, hops, swings, climbs |. Asks questions |like their friends. |
|. Growth |. Speaks sentences of more than five words |. Begins to explore and imitate and practises social roles such