UNIT 201 Child and young person development
1.1 Know the main stages of children and young person development
A. Physical development
B. Communication and intellectual development
C. Social, emotional and behavioural development
Birth to 3yrs old
Control their muscles and movements
Motor control develops from the head, moves down through the arms and the trunk and then to the legs and feet.
A baby can turns its head from side to side when lying on the back or belly, and can move its hands and arms
Kicks its legs when lying on the belly or back, and bats at and briefly grasps toys.
Be rolling with belly to back first then will be rolling back to belly.
Can begin to sit without support, and begins to stand with support
Begin crawling on their hands and knees, and walking with assistance
The ability to stand alone takes a bit longer.
Can take a few steps on their own
Can begin to walk, unassisted, across a room.
Can begin to walk, unassisted, across a room.
Might start running, climbing stairs with assistance, and propelling scoot toys join the toddler’s set of mobility and play skills.
Balance improves and the toddler walks with a smoother pattern
Learns to stand briefly on one foot, walk backwards, and walk on tiptoes
Walk up stairs alternating feet without a hand held or use of a railing
Can run and play with standard playground equipment
Well to riding a tricycle. crying and squealing calming to familiar voices or becoming quiet when familiar voices are heard exploring objects by banging them together, throwing, or mouthing them copying other people's actions; for example, waving bye-bye blowing raspberries, to show excitement and pleasure looking at toys / simple pictures / people with others; this sharing of attention is an important skill using their faces to communicate; for example, smiling, frowning listening to sounds and voices and trying to respond or interact learning to use their voice to