1 Know the statutory responsibilites and rights of employees and employers within own area of work
1.1 list the aspect of employment covered by law
the main aspects of employment are,
* Minimum wage
* Hours worked
* Discrimination
* Health and safety
* Holiday entitlements
* Redundancy and dismissal
* Training
* Disciplinary procedures
1.2 list the main features of current employment legislation
The spectrum of employment law in the UK covers three main areas.
Employment Rights, Equalities and Discrimination law... and Health and safety legislation.
Although Equalities and Health and safety have meaning in other areas of life... both bodies of law feature measures relating to employment to a significant degree.
1.3 outlline why legislation relating to employment exists
To protect the rights of employers and employees by providing rules and regulations that must be followed.
1.4 identify sources and types of information and advice available in relation to employment responsibilities and rights
contract handbook policy documents terms and conditions job description
Web sites like www.direct.gov (useful for other parts of ERR) books, journals, colleagues, whoever is above your employer est.
2. understand agreed ways of working that protect own relationship with employer
2.1 describe the terms and conditions of own contract of employment
The terms and conditions meet the requirements of section 1 of the employment rights act 1996. It tells you the hours you work and overtime, these hours will be your normal working hours unless agreed otherwise. It tells you your salary and what your salary will be weekley, fornightly, monthly and annually. a performance review will be carried out once a year to see your progress. It will tell you the companies holiday year, and what you are entitle to. compassionate leave and time off for family emergencies. sick pay, reporting sickness absense and that you