Daniel Pelka , a 4 year old boy, murdered through neglect and abuse from his own mother and step father. He was beaten and starved for long periods of time and was even stopped eating in school as his mother told them that he had an eating disorder. His body was found in a tiny room with over 20 bruises over his body with malnourished bones and a collection of blood on his brain. Doctors have confirmed that it was a final blow to the head that left him dying alone on his urine stained mattress. His older brother, 7 years old, said that they used to cuddle and he wants him back. His mother and step father are now serving a 30 year prison sentence each. His school in Coventry noticed his underweight body and bruises but his mother’s lies deceived most teachers. One teacher however realised that she was always cross with him and that he used to walk 20 steps behind her.
Once this story had reached the public many statements and opinions started to circle around: Many people felt that a 30 year sentence was too short. They took a life so they should spend the rest of theirs in a cell. The boy’s biological father said that he wanted to kill his ex-partner and that he didn’t know how someone could be so cruel and horrible to such an innocent child. The boy’s biological father said that he wanted to kill his ex-partner and that he didn’t know how someone could be so cruel and horrible to such an innocent child.
Whilst the Coventry Council were getting a huge public opinion coming on so strong they were thinking of what they could do to avoid something like this ever happening again and they come up with some recommendations: Assessments taken under Children's Social Care to be involved and discussed with other agencies and professionals. The Local Safeguarding Children's Board to initiate training in detection and identification of abuse both physical and emotional. This training would also apply to