Understand how to handle information in social care settings
Assessor guidance
Assignment requirements Candidates must successfully complete all parts of an assignment to a satisfactory and appropriate standard in order to gain a pass for that assignment. The assignments have been designed to assess the ability of candidates to cover a range of issues associated with a given unit. Consequently, it is not appropriate for parts of any assignment to be omitted, submitted incomplete or of an unsatisfactory standard. All assignments must be completed and assessed within the candidate’s period of registration. It is up to centres to decide how long they give candidates to complete their assignments, and this may vary from one unit to another. Tutors/assessors are reminded of their responsibility to provide written feedback to candidates regarding their assignments and of the fact that candidates should not be encouraged to submit work for final assessment until it is complete and to the appropriate standard for the task. Bearing in mind the above responsibility which lies with centres, candidates will normally have two opportunities to submit each individual assignment. Candidates who fail any task should not resubmit work within one week of receiving their result. Centres must provide precise written feedback and where necessary, further learning opportunities to maximise the candidate’s potential to succeed on their second attempt. Candidates must have achieved the minimum marks indicated for each question in the short answer question element. Should the candidate not meet the minimum marks indicated, their second opportunity should take the format of a professional discussion. Guidance on this is provided in the Assignment Guidance. Learners may choose to word process their answers. Assessors may guide learners in the length of their responses. They should use the marking guidance as a rough indication of what should be covered, and use the space