
Assignment 1: What Is Sleep Deprivation?

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Assignment 1: What Is Sleep Deprivation?
Assignment One

Unit 1 – Sleep Assignment

1) CRITICAL THINKING: SLEEP (worth 10 pts.) Read the sections on REM and non-REM sleep deprivation in the textbook on pgs 132-133. Explain how and why these types of sleep benefit us based on the sleep deprivation studies discussed in the textbook.
REM sleep deprivation: REM sleep deprivation does not cause memory problems; in fact, it even improves memory slightly. There is some evidence that REM sleep deprivation can help people who suffer from depression. REM sleep deprivation can actually be beneficial for some patients because it increases the amount of serotonin. Some researchers believe that we dream to stimulate the brain and that the increased brain activity helps develop and preserve
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* Self-attributed motives, on the other hand, are those motives about which we are consciously aware. According to this theoretical distinction, there are some elements of our motives about which we are directly aware, or about which we think we are aware, while our true motives may be unconscious.

Example: Let’s take achievement motivation as an example. People are likely to express some level of achievement motivation, which is self-attributed motivation. One person might say, “I am willing to work very hard, and I will do just about anything in order to achieve a high-status position in the student association,” while another person might say, “I’m interested in achieving a position with the student association, but only if I can enjoy myself along the way.”

b) Name: Goals
Definition: One theory of motivation revolves around the manner in which we set our goals and the strategies we use to accomplish
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Example: This has been illustrated in classic experiments on achievement motivation (McLelland, 1976). Participants were allowed to choose the distance from which they threw rings to get them over a peg. Low achievers tended to throw from random distances, both near and far. However, high achievers carefully measured the distance where they could achieve the greatest sense of mastery, without it seeming too ridiculously easy or too hard. They set goals that were obtainable but were moderately difficult so as to attain a sense of achievement.

e) Name: Connectedness or Affiliation Motivation
Definition: According to the connectedness theory, we seek out and maintain relationships with others because it is a basic human need to affiliate with others.

Example: Do you know anyone who has a strong attachment to an animal? Have you ever wondered why many people have pets? It is because relationships with animals provide humans with a greater sense of connectedness.

f) Name: Power Motivation
Definition: Power motivation is associated with various behaviors, including seeking positions of leadership and

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