Safeguarding is about guarding the safety of vulnerable people against abuse. Abuse is a well known term however, what is not well known is the different types of abuse there are. It is the aim of this booklet to increase the knowledge of those who work in a care setting about abuse and what to do if you suspect someone is being abused.
Difference types of abuse
Physical abuse * Injuries, which are unexplained, intentional, or not prevented by another person. * Internal or external injuries (e.g. internal bleeding from body organs, fractures and dislocations) caused by assault (e.g. pushing, pinching, slapping, punching, burning, kicking, force-feeding and inappropriate restraint). * Using incorrect moving and handling techniques. * Improper use of medication or alcohol, deliberate poisoning or the denial of medication. * Improper use of restraints.
Sexual abuse * Sexual activities without consent or which cause distress. * Sexual activities which violate social taboos of family roles (incest).
Emotional/psychological abuse * Mental anguish caused by threatening or aggressive language/behaviour, harassment, humiliation or neglect. * Verbal abuse – including threats, bullying, racism, sexism, intimidation or being shouted at. * Not allowing/restricting contact with family/friends. * Refusing to allow the individual to take part in favourite/any activities. * Failure to respond adequately to emotional needs, such as security and affection. * Failure to protect from emotional or psychological abuse by others * Forcing a person to perform tasks, which are inappropriate or inhumane.
Financial abuse * Unauthorised use of service user’s money or assets * Failure to use a service user’s money and assets resulting in harm to the service user. * Wilful use, withholding or disposal of a service user’s assets. * Obtaining control of a service user’s money and assets by fraud,