Ai & Aii – the different types of abuse & Signs and symtoms of the abuse.
1) Physical abuse – is where contact is made with the person like hitting them or biting and scratching them to hurt them or can be more sinister like burning them intentionally or using restraint this could lead to the person being reluctant to being alone with the carer/carers
2) Sexual abuse –this can vary from talking to a person in a inappropriate way to touching them e.g. like rape and sexual assault, making a person do things sexually to you or to themselves this could lead to the person maybe acting out and sexually abusing others, anger or anxiety to be near a person of a certain sex.
3) Emotional/Psychological abuse – Nearly every form of abuse is coincided with psychological abuse because this is mentally abusing them, it could be from bullying, ignoring, name calling and not being allowed to communicate with others. Signs of this would include having no regard of what they are saying about the cared for person or caring about their rights. Treating the resident as if they were a child and not allowing them to do things for themselves this could also be seen as a form of restraint.
4) Financial abuse – this can be done by someone stealing or fraud using someone’s name for loans or credit cards maybe. If someone was caring for someone independently they could be abusing the person financially because they might be in charge of that person’s funds like going to lift their pension etc., it doesn’t even have to be a carer it could be somebody from their own family or friend circle signs of this would be where the person isn’t allowed to manage their own funds or they aren’t allowed to know how much is in their accounts, or maybe there might be a sudden change in there will because they have been pressured into it.
5) Institutional abuse – it means it could be with in the care home not just one person doing it carers are maybe not giving the people the freedom