Task A Guidance
You are going to be a mentor for a new social care worker as part of their induction process. part of your role is to help them prepare for the review after their probation period.
Ai Create a guide for the new social care worker about how to reflect on their practice. The guide must include the headings listed with an explanation of each.
a) What is reflective practice? b) Why is reflective practice important? c) How reflective practice contributes to improving the quality of service provision. d) How standards can be used to help a social care worker reflect on their practice.
Aii You arrange a mentor meeting to feed back to the social care worker. You have comments to make which include both praise and constructive criticism.
Write notes to prepare for your meeting. In your notes, explain:
a) Why it is important for a social care worker to seek feedback on performance. b) The different ways that people may react to receiving constructive feedback. c) Why it is important for a social care worker to use the feedback to improve their practice
Ai What is reflective practice? a) Reflective practice is a way of studying your own experiences to improve the way you work. The act of reflection is a way to increase confidence and become a more proactive and qualified professional.
Why is reflective practice important?
b) Reflective practice is important so you can consider what you did, what went well and what didn’t, from there you know what you need to improve on, what areas you might need to research and then consider how you will do next time. Then when you reflect again on a subsequent event, you can consider if you have improved, and what you still need to work on and this will help you to continue developing as a competent professional.
How reflective practice contributes to