Task Ai
The recognition, respect and value that each individual is different in their own unique ways, from gender or cultural to age or personal characteristics.
A colleague has specific religious commitments. They are acknowledged, respected and embraced.
By treating each individual fairly with equal rights, choices and ensuring their needs are met without discrimination.
One individual has a disability which prevents them from doing the same as another. By offering access and support to enable them to do so you promote equality.
Ensuring that there are no barriers that would exclude people, or prevent them from full participation in society, taking into account all aspects of their individual requirements and making things possible.
Two people wish to watch a program together, yet one has a hearing impairment. By putting on the subtitles and checking their hearing aids are working you prevent them from feeling excluded, giving a sense of belonging and showing respect.
A negative prejudiced judgement of an individual, disregarding diversity, equality and inclusion, which is an unfair, unacceptable and illegal practice.
Mrs X is made to wait at the bottom of the stairs to the restaurant as there is no access for her wheelchair, directly discriminating her for her disability, putting her in an unfair disadvantage and excluding her.
Task Aii
The possible effects of discrimination
An individual subjected to discrimination may cause their self esteem to be damaged and leave them feeling humiliated and potentially reduce their ability to develop.
Their families would be subjected to unnecessary emotional upset and anxiety or anger.
The wider society may feel their own hopes or expectations would be disregarded in the future or may even lead to them stereotyping and labelling the individual who has been discriminated against to begin with.
Those who