Home Assignment
M. Com. 1st Semester (2013-2014)
EXAMINATION, clearly on the top of the Front page of each paper.
2. Submit your Assignments PAPER-WISE Separately.
3. Each of the two topics given in each paper will be answered as two essays of not more than 500 words each. There will be negative marking for writing in excess of the word-limit.
4. Each answer (essay) carries a weightage of 10 marks. (10 marks x 2 essays = 20 marks).
5. Keep a margin of about 1 inch on each side of the page.
6. Stick File not necessary.
7. Copying from others including Xerox from others strictly prohibited.
8. You can submit the essay written in your own hand-writing on A-4 sized paper on One Side of each page Only.
9. Submit Your Assignments strictly on or before the due date as notified. Assignments received after the due date may not be considered for evaluation.
10. The last date of submission is November 05, 2013.
N.B. Students are requested to follow the instructions strictly.
PAPER-1.1 : Business Policy Analysis (BPA)
1. Discuss the inter-relationship of business and Government. Also highlight the role of
Government in the changing business environment. 6+4=10
2. Discuss the role of DONER, NEC and NEDFI in the economic development of the north eastern region. 10
PAPER-1.2 : Financial Analysis (FA)
1. Discuss briefly the Accounting Standards and their application in the preparation of the financial statement. 10
2. Discuss the various tools and techniques of Financial Statement Analysis. 10
PAPER-1.3 : Marketing Policy Analysis (MPA)
1. Discuss the role of Marketing and its functions with special reference to an emerging economy.
Mention the basic requirement for the success of new product. 6+4= 10
2. Discuss the strategies for developing effective Marketing Communication. Discuss the difference between Brand name and Trade Mark. 6+4= 10
PAPER- 1.4 : Business Statistic
1. IQ test was administered to 5 person before and after they are trained. The result are given below: 10
Candidates: I II III IV V
IQ before training: 110 120 123 132 125
IQ after training: 120 118 125 136 121
Test whether there is any change in IQ after the training program. (The absolute value of t for 4 degrees of freedom at 1% level for one-tailed and two tailed tests are 3.747 and 4.604 respectively). 2. What is sampling? Critically examine the well-known methods of probability and nonprobability sampling? 10
PAPER-1.5 : Financial Markets
1. Discuss the role of Financial System in the Economic Development of a country. Also briefly discuss the trading mechanism of stock Market in India. 5+5= 10
2. Discuss the concept and role of Mutual Funds in the financial Market. Also briefly discuss the role played by RBI in regulating Financial Market 5+5= 10