Understand Effective Communication and Interpersonal Interaction In Health and Social Care (P1,P2,M1)
What is communication?
Communication simply means when information is transferred from one person/place to another person/place. Communication plays a crucial role in all workplaces therefore having good communication skills benefits and helps service users and colleagues.
This information pack will include a directory which explains the different forms of verbal and nonverbal communication and discusses the theories of communication.
It will also include a series of case studies which will explain the different forms of communication which would enable residents, staff and volunteers to communicate with each other.
Finally, it will also assess the role of effective communication and interpersonal interaction in health and social care with references to theories of communication.
Directory of Key Words and Terms:
Key word/term
Verbal Communication
It is the sharing of information between individuals using speech.
Verbal communication includes talking, whispering, shouting etc. It uses words to give an idea, thought or a feeling.
In a dental practice, the dentist is talking to a patient about using floss to keep their teeth clean from unwanted substances. The patient then asks the dentist how often she need to floss and the dentist explains and says she would need to floss after each meal.
It is a form of written language for people that have a poor or no vision at all. Braille consists of characters that are represented by patterns of raised dots that are then felt by the fingertips.
In a pharmacy, a customer with poor vision asks for a certain medication that their doctor prescribed for him to use. After the pharmacist gave him the named medication, the customer then feels the braille on the medication label to make sure
References: https://www.pearsonschoolsandfecolleges.co.uk/FEAndVocational/HealthAndSocialCare/BTEC/BTECLevel2FirstHealthandSocialCare/Samples/StudentBook/BTECLevel2FirstHealthandSocialCareStudentBookSampleMaterial-Unit1CommunicationinHealthandSocialCare.pdf Health & Social Care Level 3 Book 1 – Beryl Stretch