Subject: Development strategies
1. Determine whether vertical software packages exist for training operations management.
Many are not clear as to what they can offer, but Vertical Software solutions had clear content and expectable results. However, implementation of virtual presentation environments is not without challenges. Many companies have hard time adopting Rich Internet Applications for various reasons such as technology learning curve, previous large investments to legacy technologies, ability to commit resources to update content to the format suitable to be served online or difficulties to introduce feasible solution to secure digital rights to content, protecting it against unauthorized use.
Vertical Software solution is the leading edge solutions provider for RIA (Rich Internet Applications), specializing for the areas of multimedia e learning, product presentations and web based conferencing. In addition, our company hosts product and service presentation portals for our customer and partner software products.
2. Investigate the possibility of outsourcing the TIMS system. List the options, together with advantages and disadvantages of each.
Outsourcing the TIMS system:
Application Service Providers
* Uses the Internet as a primary delivery channel making it easier for customers to access it worldwide. * It rents packages to customers avoiding development costs and takes less time.
* Subscription fees can sometimes be costly * Merging the company could be problematic * By outsourcing to an ASP the solution can only be as good as the provider.
Internet Business Services
* Provides web based support for transactions * Has online data center support * Has universal access due to using the internet * Mainframe computing power for mission-critical