COHORT: 2014 - 2016
UNIT: 1 – The Business Environment (10 Credits)
ASSIGNMENT 1 – Two Businesses on our Doorstep
Learner Outcomes:
1. Know the range of different businesses and their ownership
2. Understand how businesses are organised to achieve their purposes
You work as a junior journalist for the local newspaper which is planning to run a feature article on local businesses
1. Learners must describe (P1) the type of business, purpose and ownership of two contrasting businesses
2. Learners must describe (P2), explain (M1) the different stakeholders who influence the purpose of two contrasting businesses
3. Learners must describe (P3) how two businesses are organised
4. Learners must explain (P4) how their style of organisation helps them to fulfil their purpose
5. Learners evaluate (D1) the influence different stakeholders exert in one organisation
TIP – Include the following: Range of different businesses Local, National, International, Global, Public, Private Not for profit/voluntary Sectors of business activity (primary, secondary, tertiary) Business purposes Supply of products or services, Difference between profit and not-for profit organisations Ownership Public, private & voluntary sectors
Types of ownership (sole trader, partnerships, private and public limited companies, government agencies, worker cooperatives, charitable trusts)
Main implications of different types of ownership on businesses (extent of liability, limitations to operation for public and charitable organisations)
Key stakeholders Customers, Employees, Suppliers, Owners, Trade unions, Employer associations Local and national communities, Governments, Influence on stakeholders on organisations Organisational structures Purpose (division of work, lines of control and communication) Types of structure (functional, geographic, product, type of customer)