YR1 BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma in Business - Academic Year 2011 - 2012
Candidate | | Learning Outcomes | Unit Name/No. | | 1) understand the purpose of accounting; business income/expenditure2) be able to prepare a cash flow forecast3) be able to prepare profit and loss account and balance sheet4) be able to review business performance using simple ratio analysis | Start Date | | | Deadline | | | Assessor | | |
Unit 1: | Criteria | To achieve the criteria the evidence must show that the student is able to: | Task No. | Achieved? | P1 | Describe the purpose of accounting for an organisation | | | P2 | Explain the difference between capital and revenue items of expenditure and income | | | P3 | Prepare a 12-month cash flow forecast to enable an organisation to manage its cash | | | P4 | Prepare a profit and loss account and balance sheet for a given organisation | | | P5 | Perform ratio analysis to measure the profitability, liquidity and efficiency of a given org’n. | | | M1 | Analyse the cash flow problems that a business might experience | | | M2 | Analyse the performance of a business using suitable ratios | | | D1 | Justify actions a business might take when experiencing cash flow problems | | | D2 | Evaluate the financial performance and position of a business using ratio analysis | | |
I certify that the work submitted for this assignment is my own Candidate Name: | Candidate Signature: | Date | Assessor’s Feedback | Assessors final grading Grade | Grade awarded by assessor | IV Grade | Comments | Pass P | | | | Merit M | | | | Distinction D | | | |
Assessor’s Name | Assessor’s Signature | Date | IV’s Name: | IV Signature(if sampled) | Date |
1) Describe the purpose of accounting