Assignment Inclusive Practice
1. Critically analyse the characteristics that influence learning, including strategies for effective management of the learner and learning in the inclusive environment.
2. Review and analyse legislative requirements relating to inclusive practice, and their implications for the organisation and own practice.
3. Explore and evaluate the key components and resulting benefits of an effective inclusive learning environment. Critically review your findings in relation to their impact at strategic and personal level.
4. Using your reflective learning journal and feedback from learners, evaluate your own approaches, strengths, and development needs in relation to inclusive practice, and plan opportunities to develop and improve your own skills.
There is a need to address all the learning outcomes... See descriptor
Section 1
Section 1 - ’Critically analyse the characteristics that influence learning, including strategies for effective management of the learner and learning in the inclusive environment.’
Definition of what inclusive learning is and why it is important!
Inclusion is a process. That is to say, inclusion has to be seen as a never-ending search to find better ways of responding to diversity. It is about learning how to live with difference, and, learning how to learn from difference. In this way differences come to be seen more positively as a stimulus for fostering learning, amongst children and adults. (Ainscow, M: 2004)
As the Tomlinson Report (2004) states, we too “believe that learning can only be fully effective if it is inclusive”.
On its own ‘inclusion’ is easily understood. When you combine them together and create the concept of ‘inclusive learning and teaching’ it is much harder to define. This is because there is no single definition, its meaning is dependent on the specific nature of a situation – practice which includes one person/student may
Bibliography: 1. E.Rodriguez-Falcon et al 2010,The inclusive learning and teaching handbook, Sheffield. 2. Ryan and Deci (2000) (pp. 56), 3. 4.