It is important to make aware there are many different theories regarding the understanding of how individuals learn and develop. As we start to identify we begin to comprehend and realise that everyone does not learn the same way as the next person. The learning theories that are to be taken into account are as follows: Behaviourism, Cognitivists, Humanists, Social Learning, Adult Learning and Motivation.…
Initial and diagnostic assessments should effectively diagnose learners’ strengths and weaknesses. Learners who know what their strengths are and which areas they need to improve are more likely be motivated and “know what is expected of them” (Gravells, 2012, p.50) to progress and meet the requirements of a course or programme.…
Behaviorism is one of the most used theories in education. Due to it can fit in both a classroom setting and at home. Educators had sought out the reason why for many years. But due to each child learns a different way so should the educator. Behaviorism was study by many great Psychologists over the years. Just to name some that had done work and publish books on the subject are, John Watson, Ivan Pavlov, Clark Hull, and B.F. Skinner.…
The type of learning under the behaviourist school will be Pedagogy. This is the name given to the skill or ability of teaching/training. It is predominantly related to teacher- centred methods and passive methods of learning. It can be an authoritative and autocratic style of teaching/training. The term is still used to relate to teaching children.…
1.8 understand how to use teaching and learning strategies and resources inclusively to meet curriculum requirements…
1 Understanding the application of theories and principles of learning and communication to inclusive learning and teaching…
I started off my presentation by introducing myself to the class. When introducing myself I informed the class of my name, job title, workplace, the type of students that I teach and what I teach. I do this to give a clear outline of who I am and my job role. During my presentation I tried not to speak too fast, tried to make eye contact with the whole group and ensured that I didn’t remain static.…
In this assignment I will compare and evaluate three significant learning theories, these being; Behaviourism, Constructivism and Social Constructivism. This will include a clear presentation of; knowledge of these theories, a demonstration of the understanding of academic debates pertaining to these theories and by selecting three key aspects of these three theories, comparing and evaluating them. The three key aspects that will be used are; views on development, how they are applied in an educational setting and their methodology. These will be looked into in depth in order to compare these three theories in depth.…
Inclusive learning is about ensuring all your learners have the opportunity to be involved and included in the learning process. It’s also about treating all learners equally and fairly, without directly or indirectly excluding anyone. Inclusion is about attitudes as well as behaviour, as learners can be affected by the words or actions of others. All learners must feel that they are positively and equally valued and accepted, and that their efforts to learn are recognised, and judged without bias. It is not enough that they are tolerated. They must feel that they and the groups to which they belong (e.g. gender, social-class or attainment groups) are fully and equally accepted and valued by you, and the establishment in which you work’. You are not teaching your subject to a group of learners who are all the same, but to a group of individuals with different experiences, abilities and needs which should be recognised and respected. Agreeing individual learning plans (ILPs) can help formalise this.…
Understand how to apply theories and principles of learning and communication in planning and enabling inclusive learning.…
Learning theories have been influential since the 20th century and are now used as diagnostic tools to help identify styles in which learners learn, (Avis et al. 2010). The summary behind these concepts, propose that all people learn differently, and to ensure individual learning needs teachers need to recognize these styles to address differentiation and learning needs of individual within group of learners, (Jarvis, 2006). The key learning theories from research are; behaviourism, cognitivism and humanist. Key academics Pavlov, Skinner and Watson (1973) influence the theory behind behaviourism. They approach behaviourism as a scientific approach towards a desired goal, consisting of reinforcement to shape behaviour. In thus the teachers act as a stimulant; shaping behaviour via repetition and habit forming to create a response. However influential theorists Bruner (1966), Piaget (1926) and Gagne (1985), argue that this style is manipulative, the learner will know how that learning process takes place but not necessarily know why? Behaviourist looked at the environment stimuli influencing response, whereas cognitivists look at the individual’s mental process in learning and how they gain that knowledge. Bruner (1966) believes people learn with the acquisition of knowledge as social process of problem solving. The focus stems to establishing positive conditions that promote the individuals path of being ‘ready to learn’, establishing a ‘meaning to learning’; with initiative and analytical thinking and finally with relevance of self- fulfilment of what ‘motivates the learner’. This takes away the behaviourist approach of learning without an external reward to learning with independent meaning in which you create your own path. Lastly Humanist approach to learning develops the idea of the learners at the centre of the learning process, (Maslow, 1970 and Rodgers et al, 1983). Rogers (1983) influenced this approach and believed that each learner is free to direct…
In this assignment I will be exploring a range of concepts, principles and theories of learning and assessment that apply to FE and the lifelong learning sector. I will apply these concepts, principles and theories to review the learning of my own students in my specialist area and how to respond to learning needs.…
Florian, L. & Black-Hawkins, K. (2011). Exploring inclusive pedagogy. British educational research journal, 37 (5), pp. 813--828.…
* Behaviourist – is an approach that looks into what an individual does, what action we take rather than what we think or feel. Everything we do is a result of what we have learnt. Burrhus Frederick Skinner was a theorists who stated that we was all born blank slates, he was particular interested in the study of how children learn behaviour. People were to learn best when rewarded known as positive reinforcement such as a reward like a treat and fear for anything with a bad impact known as a negative reinforcement. A negative reinforcement doesn’t necessarily mean you will be punished, a negative reinforcement can be an unpleasant experience for example you may be a D mark on an exam, it is not the best grade so you use this negative experience to push yourself to work harder in order to achieve an A grade in your next exam.…
As a behaviorist, you believe that learning takes place when knowledge is separated into smaller bits. Students are rewarded for successful answers. Instruction focuses on conditioning the learner's behavior. Learning involves repetition and association and is highly mechanical. Behaviorist leaning teachers focus on a new behavioral pattern being repeated until it becomes automatic. (Schuman)…