In this assignment I will be exploring a range of concepts, principles and theories of learning and assessment that apply to FE and the lifelong learning sector. I will apply these concepts, principles and theories to review the learning of my own students in my specialist area and how to respond to learning needs.
There are a number of theories and concepts of learning which have been identified by a number of theorists. The four main theories are Humanism, Behaviourism, Cognitivism and Experiential Learning. Beyond these are a range of other theories and concepts that apply to FE. Learning theories not only explore how people learn but how different people of different ages respond in different ways to different methods of learning.
Learning theories explore the factors which affect learning and the impact this has on the learner. The Humanist approach concentrates on placing the individual at the centre of the learning process; it is based on the study of the learning needs of an individual. There are a number of Humanist theorists the most prominent being, Malcolm Knowles and Carl Rogers. The most recognised is Abraham Maslow who developed the theory of a hierarchy of needs. The basis of this theory is that learning will occur by the educator acting as a facilitator to establish and atmosphere in which learners are comfortable to consider and further explore new ideas. It demonstrates the belief that humans have a natural eagerness to learn.
Carl Rogers influence on the Humanist approach demonstrates that he believed in the respect and feeling of the learners. Rogers in Hillier States;
“We should have a warm regard for our learners, but except them as individuals in their own right, we need to treat them with empathy” (Hillier 2005 P80).
Learners should be encouraged to take responsibility for their own learning and should provide significant input for the learning through their insights and experiences. Maslow