Sustainable Tourism HMS 00423
• Due:
Week 12 - Friday 7 September 2012 @ end of day • Submit: via Turnitin on Blackboard • Length: 2000–2500 words • Weighting: 60%
How to Write an Essay
• STHM Academic Writing Guide: id=558&site_id=42 • Academic Skills Development Unit (ASDU) resources: =611#cat611 – Develop an argument – Link theory and practice – Analysis/Evaluation, not just descriptive writing – Introduction, Body, Conclusion • To Contact ASDU:
How to Reference Properly
• STHM Academic Writing Guide: hp?doc_id=558&site_id=42 • Blackboard > Assignments > Referencing > p?tab_tab_group_id=_2_1&url=%2Fwebapps%2Fbla ckboard%2Fexecute%2Flauncher%3Ftype%3DCourse %26id%3D_123906_1%26url%3D
Marking Criteria
1. Relevance and appropriateness of title & Addressing posed assessment topic/task 2. Sound, logical, clearly developed and well supported argument
3. Clear essay structure (intro, body, conclusion; paragraph structure) & Adherence to good academic writing practice (presentation, grammar, clarity of expression)
4. Depth and breadth of research & Analysis, evaluation and integration of research 5. Referencing (minimum of 8 academic references; in-text citations and quoting; consistency of referencing style; construction of reference list)
Choose one (1) of six topics:
Sustainable tourism and… 1. …climate change 2. …protected areas 3. …poverty alleviation 4. …mining 5. …ecotourism 6. …, cross-cultural understanding & peace
Topic 1 – ST & climate change
Many authors argue that tourism is a major contributor to climate change, particularly through its travel/transport component. As the consequences of climate change are starting to influence