Mayra Tindel
BIS 300- Module 4
Professor: Caryl Williams
Personal Perspective / Structural Frame
Describe your reactions, perceptions and significant insights gained from the reading. Be specific to demonstrate your engagement of the reading by making clear connections to content and examples. The responses to the prompts should not be a summary or simple “regurgitation” of what you read (as your professor already knows what the readings say), but be focused on these issues:
Prompt #1: What did you learn about organizations?
Reviewing my reading material I obtain knowledge on the how the structural frame regulates the organization’s communication, competent planes for the organizations growth, and the management structure. The perspective of the Structural frames gives a clear view of, well-understood jobs and relationships. I also learned that the structural frame provides adequate coordination of how well an organization can perform. In addition, organizations were first build using this frame to max the effectiveness of the organization’s model and its employees. Scientific Management founded by Frederick W. Taylor was based on braking jobs and train employees to those tasks in order to maximize their productivity (Bolman & Deal, 2008). Max Weber was also involved on developing an organizational system by introducing norms of rationality called theory of bureaucracy. Bolman and Deal mentioned in their chapter 3 summary, “there is no one best way to organize” an organization (Bolman & Deal, 2008). Some organizations best way of organizing their companies is by using vertical coordination. I learned that these coordinates help control employees work through authority like managers and supervisors. Next, rules and policies aid the organization by specifying the standards to be kept in a quality level. In the other hand, I learned that lateral coordination is like plan be if the vertical coordination is