1. How many nonempty aggregated (i.e., non-base) cells a complete cube will contain?
Answer: 1918.
Explaination: Initially, for those cuboids with at least one of the first three dimensions not aggregated(i.e. not *), for example cuboid (dim1, ∗, ∗, ∗, ..., ∗), there are two cells. The number of such cuboids is (23 − 1) ∗ 27 = 896. Second, for cuboids with the first three dimensions aggregated, for example cuboid (∗, ∗, ∗, dim4, ..., dim10), there is only one cell. The number of such cuboids is 27 = 128. So the number of non-based cells is 896 ∗ 2 + 128 − 2 = 1918.
2. How many nonempty aggregated cells an iceberg cube will contain, if the condition of the iceberg cube is count ≥ 2?
Answer: 128.
Only those cells with the first three dimensions aggregated (i.e.*), for example the cell (∗, ∗, ∗, b4, ..., b10), have count 2. And the number of such cells is 27 = 128.
3. How many (non-star) dimensions does the closed cell with count 2 have?
Answer: 7.
Explaination: There is only one closed cell with count 2, i.e. (∗, ∗, ∗, b4, ..., b10).
So the number of non-star dimensions is 10 − 3 = 7.
4. How many closed cells in the full cube?
Answer: 3.
Explaination: A closed cube is a data cube consisting of only closed cells.
The three closed cells are (∗, ∗, ∗, b4, ..., b10),(a1, a2, a3, b4, ..., b9, b10), and (b1, b2, b3, b4, ..., b9, b10).
Question 2
1.How many cuboids are there in this cube
Answer: 24
Where is the number of levels associated with dimension i.
So for the Total number of cuboid = (2+1) *(1+1) *(1+1)*(1+1) =24
2.Counting cells in the cuboid(Location(city),Category,Rating,Price)
Answer = 48
SELECT distinct city,category,rating,price ,count(*) as tot FROM [assign2_Q2].[dbo].[CS412_assignment 2_Q2] A group by A.category,A.rating,A.price,A.city
3.Now let's drill up by climbing up in the Location dimension from City to State. How many cells are there in the cuboid.