There are many real success stories about how the internet and ICT have changed our societies and these changes focus positively on economic growth and socio-cultural benefits. The usage of internet as a platform in every sector is creating many new opportunities, whose were unavailable at past. Internet has a great impact on information sharing. By using internet the people from grassroots area can enable various economic growth and socio-cultural benefits. The growths of usage internet and ICT enhance the controlling power over the money. Now a day’s people are conducting money transaction very safely and easily. The usage internet has positive effect on children education, healthcare, community development, disaster management, living standard etc. If the rural people and the farmers come under the internet and ICT, what effective result may come we are go to identify through this essay.
Present scenario of agriculture in Bangladesh: Agriculture-production is the most vital sector in Bangladesh. Most of the people of Bangladesh live in villages. They are almost everybody directly or indirectly depended on agriculture. There are 15183183 farmers family in this countryi. The total cultivatable land is 9098460 hectorsii . The contribution of agriculture in GDP is 19.95 iii . Though garments industry is expanded the employment opportunities. But agriculture and agriculture-economy is important. At present many technologies are using by farmers in agriculture-production to increase the production. Farmers are using power machine to cultivate the lands. The irrigation problems have been solved. Farmers are using high quality fertilizers. That’s why day by day the production is increasing. The farmers know well how to produce the production very efficiently and effectively. The government has some supportive activities for the farmers. There are many agriculture officers in every local Thanaiv. The