In the article, Why active euthanasia and physician assisted suicide should be legalized, the author wrote about Diane Pretty.
She was denied assisted suicide (Len Doyal and Lesley Doyal 1079). People who are denied assisted suicide are being denied of their rights. Diane, who suffered from motor neuronic disease, had the right to receive assisted death aid. All she wanted was an alternative to end her suffering and she was denied of that. The author Esther B. stated in her article, The right to assisted suicide, "Technology is science's greatest gift. For the terminally ill, it's just a means of prolonging suffering". Denying a person from assisted death just prolongs the person's agony just like the author
stated. Assisted suicide stops the suffering of the terminally ill people, its also a painless process making it an appealing alternative for those with an incurable illness. Patients drawn to this option are thinking about their families well being as well because it's cheaper than having to go through a lot of medical treatments. It also allows for the family members to say their last goodbyes and to see that their loved ones will have a humane death. This gives them a piece of mind knowing that they did everything they could to help save their loved one, and takes some of the sadness of their chest. According to the author of "death with dignity", assisted suicide helps "families reestablish communication and offer support"(death with dignity). Family members have the chance to make the most out of the time their loved one has. Also when the patient informs their family of their decision it helps them cope with the sorrow after they have died. In some cases family members may disagree with the patient's decision but it's not up to them to decide whether to allow it or not.The author states "family members cope better after [the patient's death], as they have good and positive memories"(death with dignity). Its is highly recommend to inform family members of the decision that has made, even though some people refuse to do so. Some people who oppose assisted suicide believe that it should be considered as murder since it involves taking away a human life, for that reason acts allowing assisted suicide to be provided have been passed in some states in the United States. Oregon was the first to implement the Death with Dignity Act in 1996, allowing doctors to provide life-ending prescriptions. Since the death with dignity act was passed in 1994, aided deaths have increased.According to the author of “How many people choose assisted suicide”(Sophie warned). In 2013 about 21% of the deaths reported in Oregon were from assisted death. In Washington 23% died using the death with dignity act, according to the 2012 data(Sophie warren). Statistics show that about 1,153 to 1,326 people choosing assisted suicide are from England and wales. Even though assisted death is allowed in some states, it is not available to just anyone, there's a process people have to go through in order to be eligible. only adult patients who are residents of the states allowing assisted suicide qualify under the act. Also patients requesting assisted suicide must be diagnosed a death within six month, confirmed by two physicians.According to article “death with dignity”, about 218 people qualified to receive medication under the Oregon death with dignity act in 2015. Out of those 218 people, 2017 died after ingesting the medication and 7 died after ingesting medications prescribed after 2014(death with dignity).The death with dignity act has opened up the doors for those terminally Ill people looking to end their life. Many states are considering the idea of allowing assisted death, and many have already passed the law allowing it. Assisted death is a good alternative for those people who don't want to leave their family full of medical debt. Its Cheaper for terminal ill patients than paying for medical treatments when they know nothing can be done to cure them. For example, the drug
Secondal,used for aided death costs between $3,000 to $5,000. Based on the article "The High Cost of Dying", the average cost of medical care for terminally ill people range up to $21,718. It's less expensive for people that are terminally to choose assisted death. It leaves family members without such high medical debts.