Despite advanced medical technology that has successfully saved and prolonged the lives of patients, it is just a means of prolonging suffering for the terminally ill. While medicine aims to alleviate any pain a patient endures, the only assistance medical technology provides terminal patients is continual agony. Therefore, individuals like Kathy Myers reach out to doctors in hopes of receiving medication. After a decade …show more content…
A terminally ill patient agreeing to physician-assisted suicide is fully aware of a doctor’s job to alleviate any pain possible. Thus, giving consent reveals a great deal of trust between the two. Additionally, opponents insist that terminal patients might be forced to choose assisted suicide due to their health situation. However, the choice of assisted suicide is made in the best interest of the patient and the competent patient can easily decline the offer if they do not wish to accept euthanasia. Therefore, it is evident that the right to assisted suicide is not forced upon any patient, rather an option for those who wish to die in dignity instead of living every day in pain and