Ward (2013), comes up with several solutions to manage a unit with limited staff, I will focus on two solutions. First, Ward (2013) says, to “prioritize” the assignments from the most significant to the least important (para. 4). To further explain, if you have 8 patients, you will take care of the patients who are most at risk for falls first, and then care for the rest in descending order of risk. Second, Ward (2013) illustrates the importance of delegating. She says, “Effective delegation is increasingly important when there is a reduction in staff” (para.4). To further explain, if a new patient comes on the unit, I will shift my responsibility of getting basic information to the cna, as long as it is in their scope of practice. A good responsibility to shift is acquiring the patient is weight, height, vital signs, and putting on the patient’s arm band. This will reduce the responsibilities of the nurse who can focus on additional strategies to reduce falls with limited
Ward (2013), comes up with several solutions to manage a unit with limited staff, I will focus on two solutions. First, Ward (2013) says, to “prioritize” the assignments from the most significant to the least important (para. 4). To further explain, if you have 8 patients, you will take care of the patients who are most at risk for falls first, and then care for the rest in descending order of risk. Second, Ward (2013) illustrates the importance of delegating. She says, “Effective delegation is increasingly important when there is a reduction in staff” (para.4). To further explain, if a new patient comes on the unit, I will shift my responsibility of getting basic information to the cna, as long as it is in their scope of practice. A good responsibility to shift is acquiring the patient is weight, height, vital signs, and putting on the patient’s arm band. This will reduce the responsibilities of the nurse who can focus on additional strategies to reduce falls with limited