According to Ramsey´s definition, the culture is “Information transmitted between individuals or groups” which has to fulfilled these conditions:
1.“The information must bring about the reproduction of a behavioral trait
2. The information must flow through the behavior
3. The information must have a lasting effect on the form or timing of the resultant behaviors.
Analyzing these three conditions we can confirm if the Judaism is real “culture” itself or not.
According to the first point, the culture transmission should be based on behavioral trait. In the book “God is not one” we can read that what really makes a Jew of people is the behavior more than beliefs. In fact, Jewish people can also be atheist in the meaning of “not believe in God” and still consider themselves as a member of the Jewish community, because they use to more or less attend traditions and they are also proud to belong to the Jewish people.
Also the second point is satisfied in cause of Jewish religion. In Judaism, behavior plays very important role. This behavior is mostly transmitted by family throw habits and primary socialization. We can consider examples the way to work, dress up or eat: things that become habits growing up in a Jews family.
It is obvious, the growing up in the Jewish family and belonging to Jewish community has lasting effects on your social acting and psychological features (set –up of your mind): the predisposition for discussion is learned during childhood at school. The Jewish people focalize more on acting then on waiting, in a daily life it is reflected in a productive behavior and in the will to change the environment, for example by participating to the