However, a people are not a uniform group. The diverse racial and cultural origins of a population and its …show more content…
The term culture is defined as the way of life of a people determined by their social environment. It is transmitted through a value system. That value system changes over time but generally reflects the dominant ideology of the society and the institutional practices and values that it perpetuates.
Canada's structures of wealth creation though financing, marketing, unequal trading relationships are major parts of globalisation. Seemingly, the Canadian government must not have been too pressured to protect its financial economy. One can argue that increased financial flows between the Canada and the United States facilitated the growth in trade and foreign direct investment.
Regardless of the small percentage of magazine sales in Canada, its government deemed the Canadian culture as vitally important and sought to preserve the same. The nature and ideology of nationalism and its success in or failure to create socially integrated and patriotic societies; the class and ethnic character of group loyalties and how these translate into power, justice and equality and the extent to which citizens are treated non-discriminately despite racial, class and cultural differences; and the cultural practices, attitudes and values that define the perception and tolerance between social groups, their relative social and economic status and behaviour in politics, individual psychology, self-image and self-worth and all critical