In the UK, 5.4 million people are currently receiving treatment for asthma. That is 1 in every 12 adults and 1 in every 11 children. Asthma in adults is more common in women than men.
If you are diagnosed with asthma as a child, the symptoms may disappear during your teenage years. However, asthma can return in adulthood. If childhood symptoms of asthma are moderate to severe, it is more likely that the condition will persist or return later in life. However, asthma does not only start in young people and can develop at any age.
The cause of asthma is not fully understood, but it is known that asthma often runs in families. You are more likely to have asthma if one or both of your parents has the condition.
What is asthma?
Asthma is caused by inflammation of the airways. These are the small tubes, called bronchi, which carry air in and out of the lungs. If you have asthma, the bronchi will be inflamed and more sensitive than normal. When you come into contact with something that irritates your lungs, known as a trigger, your airways become narrow, the muscles around them tighten and there is an increase in the production of sticky mucus (phlegm). This makes it difficult to breathe and causes wheezing and coughing. It may also make your chest feel tight.
A severe onset of symptoms is known as an asthma attack or an 'acute asthma exacerbation'. Asthma attacks may require hospital treatment and can sometimes be life-threatening, although this is rare.
For some people with chronic (long-lasting) asthma, long-term inflammation of the airways may lead to more permanent narrowing.
Common triggers
A trigger is anything that irritates the airways and brings on the symptoms of asthma. These differ from person to person and people with asthma may have several triggers.
Common triggers include house dust mites, animal fur, pollen, tobacco smoke, exercise, cold air and chest infections.
Other types of asthma
There are other types of asthma that can be made worse by certain activities:
Work-aggravated asthma is pre-existing asthma that is made worse by dust and fumes at work.
Occupational asthma is caused by exposure to specific substances at work. For example, some nurses develop occupational asthma after exposure to latex, and some workers in the food-processing industry develop occupational asthma as a response of exposure to flour.
While there is no cure for asthma, symptoms can come and go throughout your life. A number of treatments can help control the condition very effectively. Treatment is based on two important goals: relief of symptoms preventing future symptoms and attacks from developing
Successful prevention can be achieved through a combination of medicines, lifestyle advice and identThe symptoms of asthma include: feeling breathless (you may gasp for breath) a tight chest, like a band tightening around it wheezing, which makes a whistling sound when you breathe coughing, particularly at night and early morning attacks triggered by exercise, exposure to allergens and other triggers
You may have one or more of these symptoms. Symptoms that are worse during the night or with exercise can mean that asthma is getting worse. Talk to your doctor or asthma nurse about this.
When asthma gets worse
When asthma symptoms get significantly worse, this is known as an asthma attack. A severe asthma attack usually develops slowly, taking 6 to 48 hours to become serious. However, for some people, asthma symptoms can get worse quickly.
As well as symptoms getting worse, you can tell that an asthma attack is developing when: you get more wheezy, tight-chested or breathless the reliever inhaler is not helping as much as usual there is a drop in your peak expiratory flow (see Asthma - diagnosis for more information)
If these things happen, do not ignore them. Contact your GP or asthma clinic or consult your asthma action plan, if you have one.
In a severe asthma attack, other things may happen such as:
The reliever inhaler, which is usually blue, does not help symptoms at all.
The symptoms of wheezing, coughing, tight chest are severe and constant.
You are too breathless to speak.
Your pulse is racing.
You feel agitated or restless.
Your lips or fingernails look blue.
There is no single cause of asthma, but certain factors may increase the likelihood of developing it. These include genetic factors and the environment.
Who is at risk of developing asthma?
Factors that are known to increase the likelihood of developing asthma include: a family history of asthma or other related allergic conditions (known as atopic conditions), such as eczema, food allergy or hay fever developing another atopic condition such as a food allergy having bronchiolitis as a child (a common lung infection among children) being exposed to tobacco smoke as a child, particularly if your mother smoked during pregnancy being born prematurely (especially if you needed a ventilator) being born with a low birth weight (less than 2kg or 4.5 pounds)
Want to know more?
Asthma UK: What causes asthma?
Asthma triggers
The symptoms of asthma can have a range of triggers, but they do not affect everyone in the same way. Once you know your asthma triggers, you can try to avoid them.
Infections of the airways and chest. Upper respiratory infections, which affect the upper airways, are often caused by cold and flu viruses and are a common trigger of asthma.
Allergens. Pollen, dust mites, animal fur or feathers, for example, can trigger asthma.
Airborne irritants. Cigarette smoke, chemical fumes and atmospheric pollution may trigger asthma.
Medicines. The class of painkillers called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), including aspirin and ibuprofen, can trigger asthma for some people, although are fine for most. Children under 16 years of age should not be given aspirin.
Emotional factors. Asthma can be triggered by emotional factors, such as stress or laughing.
Foods containing sulphites. Sulphites are naturally occurring substances found in some food and drink. They are also sometimes used as a food preservative. Food and drinks that are high in sulphites include concentrated fruit juice, jam, prawns and many processed or pre-cooked meals. Most people with asthma do not have this trigger, but some may. Certain wines can also trigger asthma in susceptible people.
Weather conditions. A sudden change in temperature, cold air, windy days, poor air quality and hot, humid days are all known triggers for asthma.
Indoor conditions. Mould or damp, house dust mites and chemicals in carpets and flooring materials may trigger asthma.
Exercise. Sometimes, people with asthma find that their symptoms are worse when they exercise.
Food allergies. Although uncommon, some people may have allergies to nuts or other food items, known as an anaphylactic reaction. If so, these can trigger severe asthma attacks.
Want to know more?
Asthma UK: Asthma triggers A-Z.
Food Standards Agency: Intolerance to additives.
What happens during an asthma attack?
During an asthma attack:
The bands of muscles around the airways tighten.
There is increased inflammation in the linings of the airways, which swell.
The airways produce sticky mucus or phlegm, which can further narrow the airways.
The passages of the airways narrow, making it more difficult for the air to pass through and, therefore, more difficult to breathe. This can cause the characteristic wheezy noise, although not everyone with asthma will wheeze. In a life-threatening attack, there may not be a wheezy sound.
An asthma attack can happen at any time. However there are usually warning signs for a couple of days before. These include symptoms getting worse, especially during the night, and needing to use the reliever inhaler more and more.
Asthma can be life threatening. See Asthma - treatment to find out more about how to manage your asthma. Speak to your doctor or asthma nurse for further advice.
If you or someone else is having a severe asthma attack and cannot breathe, dial 999 immediately for emergency medical treatment.