General Topic: Asthma
Attention Getter/ Audience Analysis: Hi Guys, today im going to talk about a disease that affects 25 million Americans today. The annual cost of this disease is said to be nearly 18 million each year. It is the fourth leading cause of work absenteeism which totals to as much as 15 million workdays missed each year. Close to nine people die a day because of it, and in the last decade the amount of people with this disease has increased by nearly 15% in the United States. I’m talking about asthma. A disease that the Department of Health and Human Services has defined as a chronic lung disease that inflames and narrows the airways.
Speaker Credibility: I have suffered from asthma. Through the years it has sslowly subsided but I remember having to carry my inhaler with me …show more content…
everywhere I went. I also remeber nights when I couldnt sleep because I would have coughing fits and I could feel my chest tightening, making it harder for me to breathe.
Preview: Tonight I want to inform you about asthma. First, I’ll talk about the symptoms of asthma. Second, I’ll tell you about some of the causes and lastly, I’ll share some of the treatments.
Transition: Lets start by talking about some of the symptoms of asthma.
Body djakfjkjdsljfslkjdfl Asthma can be easily triggered by many things.
One persons triggers can be very different fromthose of someone else with asthma.
According to the American Lung Associtation there are four main causes which include; genetics, allergies, respiratory infection or bad weather such as high humidity, or cold and dry air.
About 80% of people with asthma have allergies to aireborne substances like grass, mold or dust.
Transitions: The avoidence of all possible asthma triggers can be difficult and even if an asthmatic pserson is able to tolerate one trigger, encountering a combination of them can have an asthmatic suddenly gasing for air. Thats why treatmeant and prevention are so important to keep asthma under control.
The most used treatment for asthma are inhaled medication. Unfortunately there is no definite cure for it.
The American Colllege of Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology has mentioned that one of the most effective treatments for asthma is the inhalation of corticosteriods, which are inflammatory medication control for
This medicine is for a long term relief and can also be taken as a pill form if asthma is very presistant. It helps reduce the sweeling that makes your airways sensitive to certain inhaled substances.
A second choice of treatment can be a short acting inhaled beta2 agonist for a quick relief. This inhaler helps relax tight muscles around your airway to let air flow more easily.