Filmic codes assist the viewer in understanding the themes conveyed in feature films. The film Astroboy (2009) was directed by David Bowers, and tells the story of a robot named Astroboy (Astro) who is rejected by his creator. Astro is then forced to find his own identity in a cruel and unfair world. Through the use of technical, written, symbolic and audio codes the film explores a wide range of themes such as environmental destruction, good versus evil, the father/son relationship and equality and inequality.
Environmental destruction is an important and persistent theme shown throughout the film Astroboy, mainly expressed through the use of technical codes. A number of scenes have displayed an inner meaning through technical codes, such as the scene where the Surface and Metro City are compared with an extreme longshot. In this scene, the viewer can tell that there is a large social divide as Metro city is situated directly above the Surface. The extreme longshot used, allows the viewer to see the damage caused by the carless, thoughtless and disrespectful actions of Metro City and its people. This scene is essential because it proves that the Surface is insignificant and is considered as a junk yard through the eyes Metro City.
Good versus evil is one of the main themes explored throughout the entirety of Astroboy, shown by using written codes. One of the few obvious instances was found in the scene where a billboard with candidate Logan on it is knocked over by President Stone. When president Stone knocks over the billboard it shows the he feels the need to be in control, and to be the person with the highest level of power. It also proves that he doesn’t want peaceful person (Logan) to be in control of the city. This scene is vital in the feature film Astroboy as it shows the personalities of both characters, as well as the role that President Stone plays in the film.
The father/son relationship is a theme that is constantly looked at