Organizational Quality Improvement and Assessment Process
Every organization has a quality program to assess and address deficiencies in the patient care experience. The quality program is individualized by leaders within an organization and will have several specific areas of focus in addition to the expected outcomes. The purpose of this paper is to outline the quality program of Atlantic Health System (AHS), along with the goals and structure of the department. This will include a description of the quality improvement (QI) project selection and management at AHS. The paper will also describe QI training and the communication of selected projects. Finally, the paper will describe how AHS evaluates the QI efforts.
AHS Quality Program
The best way to understand the quality …show more content…
One must determine what will make the customer happy, provide a pleasant experience, and inspire the customer to return to the establishment. In the hospital, the quality department is aware that the customer is the patient, and the care provided is the service, both of which drive the organizational effectiveness and subsequently the hospitals reputation. According to Huber (2014), quality encompasses the health care standards of the hospital. The structure of our Quality Management Outcome department, is based on a hierarchy and has staff spread over three hospitals within AHS. At Hackettstown Medical Center, where I work, there is a Business Coordinator, Clinical Coordinator, along with a Manager. These three positions report to the Director of Quality at our sister hospital, Newton Medical Center. Newton Medical Center also has a Business Coordinator and Clinical Coordinator reporting to the director. The director, in turn, reports to the