Wright uses various techniques such as symbolic mis-en scenes, camera shots and non-diegetic sound through Briony’s character as a young girl to show how misconception and innocence may result in the abuse of power. Mis-en-scenes such as the actress, Saoirse Ronan’s, costumes and hair style are used to physically characterise Briony. She is often shown wearing a white frock down to her ankles, her hair is perfectly straight and parted in the centre. Overall, her appearance distinguishes her as an innocent and civilised young lady of the British upper-class. At the beginning of the film, Briony is marching swiftly through the house, the camera following her obediently as though she is pulling it along with her. There is lots of movement, but it is generally smooth as it is a dolly shot. This dramatic technique gives the …show more content…
The two prime examples are Briony and Paul Marshall. Through the contrast between their physical appearance and emotional intentions, Wright highlights the themes of how looks may be deceiving. Both non-diegetic sound and mis-en-scene are used to portray the contrast between intention and action, highlighting to the audience that it is civilised people who abuse