Affizal Ahmad and Rafidah Sahak School of Health Sciences Universiti Sains Malaysia 16150 Kubang Kerian, Kelantan E-mail: affizal@kb.usm.my
Abstract: This study examines the relationship between teacher-student attachment and teachers’ attitude towards work. We show that teacher-student attachment and teachers’ attitudes towards work appear critical in promoting and maintaining positive teacher behaviours. Communication connects students with teachers, improving the classroom atmosphere. Teachers who communicate effectively with their students can give them appropriate and helpful feedback. Teacher-student interaction is extremely important for a successful relationship through the entire school year. Keywords: teacher, student, attachment, attitude, work Abstrak: Tujuan kajian ini adalah untuk menguji hubungan di antara perapatan gurumurid dan sikap guru terhadap kerja. Kajian ini menunjukkan bahawa perapatan gurumurid dan sikap guru terhadap kerja kelihatan amat penting dalam mempromosikan dan mengekalkan tingkahlaku guru yang positif. Komunikasi di antara pelajar dan guru menyumbang kepada ikatan di antara kedua mereka, yang menyediakan atmosfera yang baik untuk persekitaran bilik darjah. Guru, yang berkomunikasi secara efektif dengan pelajar mereka, memberi maklum balas yang betul dan membantu pelajar. Interaksi gurumurid menjadi amat penting untuk suatu hubungan yang berjaya di sepanjang masa tahun persekolahan. Kata kunci: guru, murid, perapatan, sikap, kerja
INTRODUCTION Teachers are expected to be positive role models for their students, both inside and outside the classroom. Rose (2005) has examined the role of educators as role models in formal and informal education, and stressed that role models can expose groups to specific attitudes, lifestyles and outlooks. Children often see teachers as important role models on par with