Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is known as one of the most common neurobiological disorder in children, adolescents and adults. Currently, this disorder is treated with stimulant medications that cause significant negative side effects with no real cure for the disorder. Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) treatments for children diagnosed with ADHD are on the rise due to the negative feedback received from parents of children that are currently taking stimulant medications as treatments. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a behavioral, developmental and neurobiological disorder that is a commonly diagnosed disorder in children. This …show more content…
disorder is associated with developmentally high levels of hyperactivity, impulsivity, inattention and has a high rate of comorbid diagnosis such as anxiety, depression, and mood disorders. It is estimated that 3-5 percent of children suffer from this disorder and 60 percent of those cases show symptoms of ADHD through adolescents and adulthood (Bakhshani 1). ADHD is complex and is often associated with genetic and biological environmental factors that contribute to the many symptoms of the disorder.
Influenced by family history, personality, genetics and the environment, symptoms of ADHD can be associated with a broad range of emotional, mental and behavioral problems. People diagnosed with ADHD tend to have difficulty in focusing, and following task through to completion; they are easily distracted, forgetful, disorganized, and also have the tendency to have mood swings and anger problems. If symptoms go untreated it could cause a wide range of additional problems to include low self-esteem, aggressive behavior, anxiety and depression and even suicidal thoughts. In order to treat symptoms of ADHD, the first line treatment process consists of stimulant medications. Attention Deficit Hyperactive disorder and treatment can be very difficult depending on the person being diagnosed and the severity of the disorder. It is noted that 90 percent of children diagnosed with ADHD will receive some form of medication as treatment for their symptoms and out of that 90 percent, 70 percent will receive stimulant medications as a first line treatment process (Ducca 9). Long-acting stimulant medications are recommended because the results tend to show longer-lasting, smoother improvement of symptoms. Although, stimulant medication helps control symptoms of ADHD there are several side effects associated with it. Some of these side effects are the potential for abuse and addiction, loss of appetite, headaches, weight loss, nervousness and insomnia. Physicians and parents are seeking CAM treatments due to the negative side effects associated with the disorder.
Complementary and Alternative Medicine is considered to be a safe and effective form of treatment for ADHD. Conditionally, it is a matter of finding the appropriate treatment that fits the needs and conditions of the individual that is being diagnosed. The American Academy of Pediatrics has estimated that between 20 and 40 percent of healthy children and over 50 percent of children diagnosed with chronic and recurrent diagnosed conditions use complementary treatments in pursuit of health and well-being (Ducca 9). CAM treatments are used because they are natural, safe and effective ways to treat symptoms of ADHD. There are several CAM treatments available to include homeopathic treatment, electroencephalogram (EEG) feedback, diet modifications, fatty acid supplementation, nutritional modifications, exercise therapy, to include physical activities and a green outdoor setting. All of which have shown to have a positive impact on the alternative treatment of this disorder. Homeopathic treatments are one of the most popular treatments used in treating ADHD. In order for the treatment to be effective the homeopathic practitioners need to know all of the patient’s symptoms, and medical history to include any and all mental and emotional symptoms they may have. Homeopathic treatment identifies the illness and finds specific medications that will suit the individual and characteristics of the symptoms. By doing so, the practitioner is treating the patient and not the symptoms. Research displayed that 85 percent of participants in a study group conducted for treatments of ADHD improved over a 12 week period (Pellow, Solomon, Barnard 332). In this study, the treatment consisted of a mixture of remedies that were all natural and related directly to the disorder so that the treatment would accurately treat the symptoms on each individual case. Homeopathic treatments safely and quickly relieve symptoms including hyperactivity, inattentiveness, poor concentration, and difficulty reading and writing. It will balance energy levels and provides therapeutic support for optimal overall health and vitality, as well as provide fast, all-natural symptom relief with no negative side effects. Homeopathic treatments are not the only option for treating symptoms of ADHD; Electroencephalogram (EEG) feedback is also another form of treatment that is considered to be an effective treatment option. EEG feedback also known as neurofeedback is a computer based program that consists of brain training techniques that uses visual and auditory information about a person’s heart rate and blood pressure. The information that is recorded from the feedback is information that is outside the awareness and control of the individual being treated (Rojas, Chan 1). After the psychological processes have been identified, the individual will be taught to recognize the difference between a normal process, and an adverse process. Once the adverse psychological process is identified, individuals will be taught to normalize the process, which in turn will alter the level of hyperactivity, the inability to stay focused and pay attention as well as the ability to retain memory which is considered to be operant conditioning. Operant conditioning through EEG feedback has been used for conditions of ADHD for over 30 years (Nash 2000). This type of treatment requires a vast amount of time, effort and motivation and can be very expensive. However; this treatment does not include any type of stimulant medications; therefore there are no side effects to this type of treatment. Even though this is one of the alternative options to treating ADHD there are several other complementary and alternative treatments available that can be used at the same time an individual is conditioning themselves through EEG feedback. One of those treatment options to consider is diet modifications with foods that show increased use of preservatives and artificial flavors and colorings. The link between diet modifications and food with the increased use of preservatives, artificial flavors and colorings has increased over the years. There are three primary types of modifications that have shown improvements in symptoms of ADHD. One of the three is the Feingold/additive free diet. This diet eliminates foods with artificial colors and flavors. The other is the Oligoantigenic Diet (OAD) which is an extension of the Feingold diet by also eliminating dairy products, chocolate, eggs, nuts, soy, corn, wheat, sugars, and citrus. Finally there is the Sugar Restriction Diets that include the reduction of high levels of sugar intake because of the increase in hyperactivity. According to the ratings 62 percent of ADHD children showed at least a 50 percent improvement in their behavior by eliminating unnecessary additives, dairy products and sugars (Pello, Solomon, Bernard 325). By eliminating all the unnecessary preservatives, artificial flavors and colorings as well as sugars you are assisting in decreasing the symptoms associated with the disorder which in turn will make it easier for an individual to control. In addition to the elimination of all the unnecessary additives, dairy products and sugars it is suggested that by adding supplements, watching your diet and taking vitamins on a daily basis it could also be beneficial in controlling symptoms of ADHD. Approaching ADHD symptoms with a nutritional, dietary and fatty acid supplemental approach may be beneficial. The brain relies on nutrients during development and a deficiency in Omega 3 polyunsaturated fatty acids, Zinc, Magnesium and Essential fatty acids may increase the risk of developing ADHD-type symptoms (Pello, Solomon, Bernard 325). Building a strong brain takes a healthy diet. Incorporating supplements and leveling a person’s nutritional deficiencies, ADHD symptoms will eventually over time. People diagnosed with ADHD are far better off by managing symptoms from a nutritional perspective than turning to stimulant medications as a fist line treatment process. People diagnosed with ADHD will find additional benefits by sticking to a nutritional balanced diet and incorporate outdoor activities and exercise therapy as a form of treatment. Incorporating outdoor physical activities, and exercise therapy such as yoga and massage can improve brain activity. By improving brain activity you are improving your memory, concentration, learning and moods. Integrating basic breathing strategies such as yoga can help someone focus and reduce a number of symptoms while allowing someone the ability to focus on the task at hand. While, massage therapy is used to reduce muscle tension and promote realization. Although additional studies are needed to substantiate yoga, massage therapy, and physical exercise as an effective treatment method, prior studies suggest that they are conventional ADHD treatments (Rojas, Chan 127). By incorporating yoga and massage therapy into a daily routine you are decreasing depression and increasing mental focus and confidence. Incorporating these techniques into a daily routine will relax the mind and the body allowing the individual to be happy and more attentive. By incorporating CAM treatments like yoga and massage therapy, it is also noted that physical activities and exercise therapy is an additional CAM treatment in reducing symptoms. By reducing symptoms of ADHD physicians would have no reason to administer stimulant medications as a first line treatment process for the disorder. Although there is no cure for ADHD, there are several treatment options available. Drugs are the most common treatments used to treat the symptoms of ADHD. The most common drugs used are Ritalin, Dexedrine, Adderall, Concerta, and Cylert. These drugs are normally stimulant medications, and are known to reduce hyperactivity and other symptoms associated with the disorder. These drugs provide short tern results with long term effects. They are considered to be similar to amphetamines and cocaine, and are classified as highly addictive which is the exact reason why it should not be given to our children. Another treatment option is Strattera, which is a non-stimulant drug; however just because it is considered a non-stimulant drug does not mean that it is not as dangerous. It has shown to cause increased thoughts of suicide, cardiovascular condition, and psychotic symptoms. In 2006 the Federal Drug and Administration (FDA) issued a “black box” (strongest level of warning) on the medication because of it side effects (Opposing Viewpoints 2). Issuing stimulant and non- stimulant medications are not necessarily the answer to the problem. There are too many negative side effects associated with the medications that are causing parents of children diagnosed with ADHD to seek complementary and alternative treatments because they are natural and safe. The risk factors are greatly reduced and parents are more comfortable because they have more control over treatment options. Aside from all the studies conducted regarding the effectiveness of ADHD and CAM treatments, it is said that treating children with ADHD will have to be a combined effort from the Physician, child, and e parent in order for CAM treatments to be beneficial. Incorporating homeopathic treatment, electroencephalogram (EEG) feedback, diet modifications, fatty acid supplementation, nutritional modifications, exercise therapy, and physical activities can all be beneficial treatments of ADHD without the adverse side effects of stimulant medications.
Bibliographic Citations
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