
Atticus Respect

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Throughout the novel atticus demonstrates through his words and actions that it is important to treat everyone equally and with respect. Whether it is making someone feel comfortable or respecting other people's boundaries he teaches his children to follow his example. Atticus shows he treats everyone with respect when Walter cunningham comes to his house. After school Jem invited Walter to eat with them after Scout had beaten him up. At first he was unsure but he quickly warmed up. He became more comfortable especially when he was with Atticus. As Walter Ate “he and Atticus talked together like two men, to the wonderment of Jem and me. Atticus was expounding upon farm problems.”. (Lee 24 ) Atticus is showing respect to Walter Cunningham. He …show more content…

He shows that he is unselfish when he takes the job of defending Tom Robinson. When Scout comes home from school she is upset that people were calling Atticus mean names. Such as a “nigger lover”. When she talks to Atticus about it with Atticus it is his response that truly shows that he is unselfish. Scout asked atticus why he was defending Tom Robinson, his reply was, “‘if I didn’t I couldn’t hold up my head in town, I couldn’t represent this county in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again. … I could never ask you to mind me again. Scout, simply by the nature of the work, every lawyer gets at least one case in his lifetime that affects him personally. ‘“ (lee 75,76). If Atticus denied the job of defending Tom he is saying that he would not be able to tell Scout and Jem what and what not to do. He couldn't tell them things that are right and wrong after he had done something so wrong. He wouldn't be able to walk in town without having a strait conscience of doing what was right. So he chose the right thing to do something that would be the best for everyone around him. The best option was to take the case and show Jem and Scout that even though you may know you can't succeed you have to at least try to help the person. By taking the case he would be doing what is best for his children, his neighbors and his county. Atticus not only shows he is unselfish …show more content…

Atticus demonstrates being empathetic when he is spit on and doesn't get angry. Bob Ewell stopped atticus at the post office and spit on him. Atticus simply did not get angry about it, instead he ignored it. When Atticus is explaining Jem why he didn't do anything when Bob spit on him he said, “Jem, see if you can stand in Bob Ewell’s shoes a minute. I destroyed his last shred of credibility at that trial, if he had any to begin with. The man had to have some kind of comeback, his kind always does. So if spitting in my face and threatening me saved Mayella Ewell one extra beating, that’s something I’ll gladly take. He had to take it out on somebody and I’d rather it be me than that houseful of children out there. “(lee 218). Atticus could have retaliated when being spit on, instead he thinks about his actions and does what is best. After he was spit on, Atticus quickly shifts his mind to thinking of what was going through Bob's mind. He was able to step into his shoes and understand his reasoning for spitting on him. Atticus treats Bob Ewell the way he would want to be treated, with empathy. Atticus is example of a person who has self control and is able to think about his actions.. He exhibits empathy and good character by saying nothing in return to Bob Ewell's actions. By saying nothing it prevented further harm to those around him. It

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