Barbarian attacks caused the fall of the Roman Empire because the Roman Soldiers left the border wide open for attacks. The Roman soldiers were forced to retreat from the frontier to go fight in the civil wars to protect their citizens and family. Since the border was wide open and ready to attack, German hunter and herders invaded Gaul and Greece in the third century A.D (Ten Theories 1). Eventually, Odovacar took over the last part of the Roman Empire in A.D. 476. The raids were from a group that called themselves The Huns and they originate from Central Asia. The Huns bombarded kingdoms after they took over south-eastern Europe (Bernstein and Shek 362). The Empire was worried for the next several decades about being…
A cause Rome fell was due to the invasions of intimidating, yet powerful enemies like the Huns. In Document D, Marcellinus describes how the Huns were fierce, wild beings that were expert horse riders. [Document D] The Huns were “fierce warriors” from Central Asia.[Textbook pg.33] The Huns were the definition of “savagery”.[Document…
Foreign invasions had a humongous role in the downfall of Rome. It says that the Huns did not look like a human. Marcellinus said that the Huns had thick necks and compact and sturdy limbs. The Huns also slaughtered everyone and pillaged everything in their way (Document D). The invaders had been able to break into Rome because the emperors allowed the military to stop drills and not wear armor. The invasions had been all the emperors and militaries fault. It was also the Emperors fault because the were the ones who had agreed when the army asked to stop drills and not wear armor. (Document B). Priscus, the roman ambassador to the Huns, found that the former Roman citizens liked their new life. They thought it was more just than Rome and they…
There were many similarities between the fall of the Han and Roman empires. Both of these empires were invaded from foreign forces. Germanic tribes invaded Rome and the Hun invaded the Han empire. The Roman and Han corrupt governments led to the fall of their empires. Power hungry individuals, and internal fights between the elite led to disunity within the Rome and Han. Many weak leaders led to the collapse of the empires. Some rulers, as young as 11, came to power in the Han empire, this led to fights between the royal families.…
After the Roman Empire dissolved, Charles Charlemagne led them into improved conditions due to many fortified goals and accomplishments. When the nation was in disarray, Charlemagne helped by building the greatest empire since ancient Rome and built it into an educated and religious country. The fall of the Roman Empire was a very cataclysmic event in history that had many contributing factors. One element that was a great contributor was the prevalent and recurring invasions of the Germanic tribes. These repeated invasions caused for disruption of trade, a shift in the population, and the downfall of cities.…
Some of the words and phrases that Ammianus used to describe the Huns included savage, ungovernable, and unthinking animals. According to the Document D Ammianus excerpt, “Like unthinking animals, they are completely ignorant of the difference between right and wrong...these swift-moving and ungovernable people make their destructive way amid the pillage and slaughter of those who live around them.” In contrast to this claim, the Huns do seem to be intelligent. They obviously know how to bring an empire to its knees. However, they were ruthless killers on the battlefield. Knowing what they did to the Roman Empire, of course one could compare them to animals.…
During the early two hundred C.E. and four hundred C.E. two major empires came to an end, the Roman Empire and the Han Dynasty. The empires’ leaders greed and desire for more led to the decline and eventual fall of both the Roman Empire and the Han dynasty. The social interactions with their opposers combined with the catastrophic economic misfortunes also contributed to their decline. There were many reasons why the Han and Roman empires collapsed politically, socially, and economically.…
Attila, frequently referred to as Attila the Hun, was the ruler of the Huns from 434 to his death in March 453. Attila was also the leader of the Hunnic Empire, a tribal confederation full of Huns, Ostrogoths, and Alans with many others, in the territory of Central and Eastern Europe. Attila, supposedly scared others by claiming to own the actual sword of Mars, the Roman god of war.…
The Vikings came from what is known as Sweden, Norway, and Denmark. During the time from the 8th to the 11th centuries the Vikings traveled in their longboats to the British Isles and the coast of Europe raiding the settlements.…
In 452 AD, Attila the Hun was on a rapid streak of sacking cities in Western Rome on his way to the ultimate treasure of Rome. Attila allegedly requested that the sister of the Emperor Valentinian III (425-455 AD) be sent to him with great amounts of gold and money. In rejoinder, the Emperor sent a consul, a former urban prefect, and Pope Leo the Great to negotiate with Attila. Not many specifics were divulged as to why Attila withdrew from Italy and returned to his homeland. Some possible theories were that Pope Leo the Great may have offered Attila large sums of gold, a ghastly plague in Northern Italy, food shortages, or even that Attila’s army was greatly weighed down from loot from previous raids. Pope Leo the Great was successful because he knew that this was his last chance to save Italy from being destroyed and he used all of his strength to coax Attila out of Italy.…
The Vikings were people who lived from 800-1100 AD. Most of the lived in Scandinavia, but they also had colonies in places such as England, Ireland, Scotland, and many other places in Eastern Europe. The main language that they spoke was called Old Norse, and it has become the basis of many languages today, including Norwegian, Danish, and Swedish. The word Viking comes from the Old Norse word vikingr, which means "camp", or "dwelling place". They wrote in an alphabet known as Runes. Runes were also used to write many Germanic languages at this time.…
The Roman Empire was one of the most advanced and largest civilizations with their amazing architecture, astonishing inventions and many more. But Nothing can last forever. The fall of the roman empire was caused by four main reasons. Political issues or an unstable government, Economic problems, Diseases could have played a part and lastly, foreign invaders.…
Did you know that Rome was one of the biggest empires of all time? By the 5th century AD, Rome was starting to fall. An empire can fall by having a bad economy, military, and/or government. These were the reasons that Rome fell. The most important reason, however, was the military.…
One event that I think must be included when talking about the Empire’s demise is the shift from a polytheistic religion to a monotheistic one. Since the beginning of Rome, the people believed that gods and spirits existed everywhere. They existed in rivers, trees, and even land. An example of this appears in a translated passage from the book written by Jo-Ann Shelton, As the Romans did. Livy, a historian in ancient Rome, wrote a passage which tells the story of a man named Horatius Cocles. Horatius was forced to jump into the Tiber River during a battle. But before he does, he cried out “Father Tiber, I piously invoke you. Receive these arms and this…
The Roman Empire was once a vast and wondrous place where they conquered many places and many things. They had many great leaders and were a great empire but there were many things that went wrong. There are no definitive causes for the fall of the Roman Empire, yet there are multiple valid reasons as to why it happened such as military power, social problems, widespread of diseases, and moral strength.…