What are Attitudes?
A learned predisposition to behave in a consistently favourable or unfavourable manner with respect to a given object, they are also transferable simplifies the decision making as what has been learnt from one
The attitude “object”:
It includes specific consumption or marketing concepts such as product, product category, brand, service, possessions, product use, price, package etc. Eg. Consumer attitudes towards online shopping.
Attitudes are a learned predisposition that means attitudes are formed as a result of prior direct experience with the object through word of mouth, information acquired from others or from advertising. Attitudes are relatively consistent with the behaviour they reflect. They usually occur within a situation such as an event or circumstance that, at a particular point in time, influence the relationship between attitude and behaviour. In consumer behaviour attitudes usually relate to consistent purchase, recommendations, top rankings, beliefs, evaluations, intentions.
Tricomponent model
-cognitive- the knowledge and perceptions acquired from direct contact with a product
Affective: the emotions and feelings helping to evaluate the product
Conative: the tendency to behave or act in a particular way MULTI ATTRIBUTE MODEL:
Attitude toward object model: Suitable for measuring attitudes towards a brand, product, or service or specific brand. Presence or evaluation of certain product specific beliefs about the product-Level of positive and negative attributes, favourable or unfavourable attitudes towards the product.
Attitude towards behaviour: An individual’s attitude towards behaving or acting to an object rather than an attitude towards the object itself. Eg. Your reaction/action when you are presented with a BMW.
Theory of reasoned action: An integration of attitude components- the affective, the cognitive, conative-has been designed to give