Major Concepts and Definitions
Beliefa statement of sense, declared or implied, that is intellectually and/or emotionally accepted as true by a person or group.
Attitudea relatively constant feeling, predisposition, or a set of beliefs that is directed toward an object, a person, or a situation.
Valuea preference that is shared and transmitted within a community.
Behavioral diagnosisthe delineation of the specific health actions that are most likely to effect a health outcome.
Health Belief Modela paradigm used to predict and explain health behavior that is based on value-expectancy theory.
Perceivehow one views oneself's health.
Expectanciesoutcomes and evaluation of how behavior is determined. Divided into three types.
Environmental cuessubconcept of expectancies, beliefs how events are connected.
Outcome expectationsubconcept of expectancies, consequences of one's own actions.
Efficacy expectationsubconcept of expectancies, one's own competence to perform the behavior required to influence outcomes.
Incentives value of a particular object or outcome.
Domains of learninginformation, skills, and attitudes needed to be taught to achieve the appropriate level of learning.
Cognitive domainsubconcept, development of new facts or concepts, building on or applying past knowledge to new situations.
Psychomotor learningsubconcept, development of physical skills from simple to complex actions.
Affective learningrecognition of values, religious and spiritual beliefs, family interaction patterns and relationships and personal attitudes that affect decisions and problem-solving progress.
Teachinga planned and purposeful activity that nurses use to increase the likelihood that individuals will learn. Major Assumptions Major assumptions are taken from
References: Boyd, M. D., Graham, B. A., Gleit, C. J., & Whitman, N. I. (1998). Health teaching in nursing practice: A professional model (3rd ed.). Stamford, CT: Appleton & Lange. Edleman, C. L., & Mandle, C. L. (1998). Health promotion throughout the lifespan (4th ed.). St Louis, MO: Mosby, Inc. Leddy, S., & Pepper, J. M. (1993). Conceptual bases of professional nursing (3rd ed.). Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott.